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Full text of "Public Roads: A Journal of Highway Research, Vol. 3, No. 34"

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Public Roads 

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comming) NOL. 3, NO. 34 WASHINGTON, D. C. FEBRUARY, 1921 |/2zzzzzail 
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CIB 4 


Owing to the necessarily limited edition of this publication 

it will be impossible to distribute it free to any persons or insti- 
tutions other than State and county officials actually engaged in 
the planning or construction of highways, instructors in highway 
engineering, periodicals upon an exchange basis, and Members 
of both Houses of Congress. Others desiring to obtain ‘‘Public 
Roads’’ can do so by sending 15 cents for a single number to 
the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, 
Washington, D. C. 




Researches Affecting the Design of Roads for Heavy Motor Traffic. é 3 
A. T. Goldbeck. 

Load Limitations for Primary and Secondary Roads_. : 11 
C. J. Bennett. 

Modification of Contracts to Meet Present Conditions . , f ; 16 
W..R. Neel. 
Organization of a State Road Maintenance Department : 19 

J. N. Mackall. 

Report of Committee on Use and Care of Federal Equipment ies 23 

Federal-Aid Allowances : : s ! ; : : 27 

THOMASH. ‘MacDXONAUDA 2 ee a. Chief of Bureau 
SON: ae meee LH. WOOK Chief Engineer 
ee IGP ANK see ee meee Editor 






A. T. GOLDBECK, Engineer of Tests, Bureau of Public Roads. 

THE heavy motor truck which has come upon us 
within the past few years, and which promises 
to increase in numbers, imposes an entirely new prob- 
lem of design and a far more complicated problem than 
has ever existed before. We no longer need regard the 
abrasive wear of the higher types of roads with much 
concern, for by proper maintenance we can take care of 
abrasion. The development of the design for light, fast- 
moving, rubber-tired traffic may also be considered as 
practically completed. But the problem of how to de- 
sign a road to carry heavy concentrated loads under all 
conditions, without fear of structural failure, remains 
unsolved, and this is our most important problem in 
road design to-day. The governing traffic unit in the 
present-day design is the heavy motor truck, and when 
we have built our road to take care of this unit under 
all conditions we need not fear for the adequacy of the 
road for any other class of traffic. 


Before considering what researches should be under- 
taken to gain the necessary information to serve as a 
basis for adequate road design for heavy motor trucks 
it will be well to stop and review briefly the character 
of failures that have resulted in some of our roads 
through use of heavy trucks. General observation of 
roads that have failed under heavy trucks invariably 
reveals what has been termed a “structural failure.” 
Such a failure involves not only the road slab but also 
the subgrade. It is brought about by a combination 
of exceedingly heavy loads and a very soft condition 
of the subgrade. Had the poor subgrade condition not 
existed, complete structural failure would not in gen- 
eral have resulted. Failures of this kind have involved 
entire stretches of roads or in many cases have oc- 
curred in spots, which, coupled with evidences of in- 
cipient failure of the road as a whole, have led to the 
conclusion that a short period of still more unfavor- 
able subgrade conditions would probably cause general 
failure of the entire road surface. Where exceedingly 
heavy units of traffic are not in general use and where 
the subgrade is of good supporting value, complete 
structural failures are hard to find, but they are numer- 
ous where this condition does exist. Minor defects, 
such as cracks, which might be regarded as incipient 
failure, are brought about in many cases by the action 
of heavy traffic. It is recognized, of course, that there 
are in addition other causes for initial failure of the 
road. It is recognized, too, that heavy traffic produces 

other defects in the road surface depending on its type, 
but such defects are insignificant and can be taken care 
of by maintenance or comparatively inexpensive resur- 
facing in the future. 

It will not be amiss to review the mechanics involved 
in the design of roads in so far as this is possible. 
When we consider the design of any structure built to 
carry loads we must know with reasonable accuracy 
what will be the maximum load. The motor truck as 
it is commonly built at the present time has its weight 
distributed on four wheels, with as much as 80 per cent 
of the gross load carried on the two rear wheels. The 
road surface, then, must support four concentrated 
loads, the maximum concentration being not uncom- 
monly 12,000 pounds on a single wheel. This is not a 
quiescent load, for the truck is in motion and the road 
surface is never perfectly smooth. The sprung and 
unsprung weights of the vehicle are set into vertical 
motion, and thus instead of a static force we have a 
suddenly applied load or even an impact. The concen- 
trated load imposed on the road is distributed to the 
underlying subgrade. If the wearing surface possesses 
slab strength, or if it does not possess slab strength 
but is of comparatively great thickness, the concen- 
trated load is distributed over a considerable area on 
the subgrade and becomes a load of varying intensity, 
with highest intensity directly under each wheel and 
gradually diminishing away from the wheel. 


Soils composing the subgrades of roads are limited 
in their bearing value, particularly when they have 
become soaked with water. It is a matter of common 
observation that certain soils when water-soaked ap- 
proach a state of fluidity and will hardly support the 
lightest load. It will readily be appreciated that heavy 
concentrated wheel loads may impose pressures on the 
subgrade of greater magnitude than the bearing value 
of the soil. Under such conditions the subgrade ma- 
terial naturally deforms and immediately great stress 
is thrown into the wearing surface through flexure. 
When the subgrade is of very high bearing value, as it 
invariably is when dry, it yields practically not at all 
under light pressures distributed to it by the wearing 
surface, and under such conditions the flexural stress 
under the load is likewise small. 

Enough investigations have been made thus far to 
indicate that the support offered by the road subgrade 
is anything but constant and anything but uniform. 


It has been shown very definitely that the subgrade 
support changes with the varying moisture content 
and with the effect of frost. In fact, instances have 
been observed in which the road surface has been left 
without support over large areas. Under such condi- 
tions considerable stress must be produced in a rigid 
slab under the action of traffic. Such conditions are 
brought about, however, mainly through inadequate 
preparation of the subgrade and through inadequate 

From the foregoing brief discussion it would seem 
that our road-design problem of to-day is very de- 
cidedly a probiem of structural design, and that it does 
not stop at the design of the wearing surface alone, but 
that it involves the proper design of the underlying 
subgrade.. We must adequately support the slab and 
we must design the slab so that it will not fail under 
heavy loads. 

When one approaches a problem of design of any 
structure the knowledge required involves, first, knowl- 
edge of the forces to be imposed upon that structure ; 
second, knowledge of the manner of distribution of 
stress throughout the structure; third, knowledge of 
the behavior of the materials used when subjected to 
stress. Researches for the adequate design of roads for 
heavy motor trucks must include, then: 

1. Investigations of the forces applied to the road 
surface by heavy motor trucks. 

2. A determination of the distribution of these forces 
through the wearing surface and subgrade. 

3. An investigation of the behavior of the road sur- 
face and subgrade materials under the action of these 

forces and other forces produced by natural causes 
such as temperature and moisture changes. 

In the present discussion it is not the purpose to out- 


line in detail the various investigations which must be: 

-made in connection with the three broad general prob- 
lems just mentioned. It will be well, however, to call 
attention to a number of these researches in order to 
indicate in a general way why they are necessary and 
how they might be carried out. 


It is apparent to anyone who has stood on a road 
surface during the passage of a. fast-moving heavy 
truck that the surface is being subjected to a con- 
siderable force—a force far in excess of the static 
weight of the vehicle; and this is evidenced by the 
vibrations produced under the action of the truck. It 
is apparent that the road is being subjected to a variable 
force as the truck rolls along and that in many places 
severe impacts are delivered by the wheels of the trucks. 
Just why should this be so? It would seem that with 
road surfaces as smooth as we are able to make them 
under the present-day methods of finishing, trucks 
should roll along with practically no vibration; but it 

is surprising just how much effect a slight inequality 
will produce in causing the truck wheel to actually 
leave the surface. ; 

For illustration, it has been observed that the rear 
wheel of a, heavy Army truck moving at 20 miles per 
hour apparently cleared the road surface by at least 
1 inch in passing over a slight inequality due to a 
small excess of bituminous filler in an expansion joint. 
But what force exists on the road surface when the 
truck wheel lands under such conditions, and why 
should there be any extraordinary force produced? 
Let it be remembered that when a truck wheel is clear 
of the road surface there is an enormous force in the 
truck springs tending to bring it back to the surface. 
In consequence of the spring compression, when the 
wheel again comes into contact it has attained high 
vertical velocity. The truck tire is compressed as soon 
as again in contact with the road surface, which then 
exerts an upward force, finally reducing the vertical 
velocity to zero. In other words, the force existing be- 
tween the road surface and the tire has deceierated the 
downward vertical velocity of the portion of the truck 
beneath the springs. 

Now, it is an old law in physics that force is equal to 
mass times acceleration, and since the mass of the un- 
sprung. portion of the truck is brought to rest ver- 
tically on the road surface, or decelerated, there must — 
aye been required a reaction between the road surface — 
and the tire at least equal to the mass of the unsprung 
portion times the deceleration of that portion; and in 

addition to this force there must be added the force due — 

to the compression ‘of the spring. The longer the time ~ 
required to bring the unsprung portion to rest ver- 
tically the smaller becomes the deceleration and con- 
sequently the lower the force. This explains why pneu- 
matic tires are apt to prove so much lighter in their — 
destructive effect on the road than solid tires, and like- | 
wise explains immediately why steel tires have such a 
destructive effect. 

If in the future we plan to design our roads in a 
purely rational manner, is it not plain that we must | 
find out all there is to be known of the various forces 
acting upon the road? The heavy forces of traffic — 
are vitally important. Very complete investigations 
should be made of the various kinds of motor vehicles — 
when fitted with various kinds of tires, for the tires | 
play an important part in easing the effect of the blow. — 
Such researches’? have already been carried out exten-_ 
sively by the Bureau of Public Roads and thousands of — 
tests have been made. These tests which have been — 
made under artificial impact conditions should be fol-— 
lowed by impact tests made on actual roads in order — 
to obtain an idea of the relative destructive effect of — 
traffic due to varying degrees of smoothness. Such in- 

1A report of these tests will 

be printed in the March number of this — 
magazine. : 

vestigations will shortly be made by the Bureau of 
Public Roads using an apparatus which permits of 
drawing a curve from which the vertical acceleration 
of the sprung and unsprung portions of the motor 
vehicle may be obtained and thus the forces on the road 
surface may be calculated. This apparatus is now par- 
tially successful, and it is believed it will be possible to 
make it produce very satisfactory results. It would 
seem that the results of tests of this kind at some future 
date might be used in motor-truck legislation, but be- 
fore this is done tests will be necessary to show the rela- 
tion between the force to be expected from motor trucks 
and the destructive effects produced by these forces. 


Having determined what forces are exerted on the 
road, the next logical step in our efforts at the develop- 
ment of rational design leads us to an effort to find out 
how the surfacing and subgrade are stressed under 
these loads. ‘These are research problems for the future 
and they present many experimental difficulties. At 
the present time we are able to determine stress dis- 
tribution under static loads, and we can also determine 
distribution of pressure on the subgrade, and both of 
these investigations should be made. It would be well 
to work toward the development of apparatus for 
measuring deformation under impact, and also appa- 
ratus for measuring subgrade pressure under impact. 

An investigation of the behavior of the road surface 
and subgrade materials under action of forces——As in 
any type of structure we must know how stresses are 
distributed when that structure is subjected to external 
forces before we can hope rationally to design the 
structure. When we consider that the road slab is 
supported by the subgrade in a nonuniform and con- 
tinually varying manner, and when it is considered 
that if the slab were subjected to static loads alone the 
difficulties would still be enormous, how much more 
difficult must be the problem before us when we attempt 
to consider impact. However, rational design should 
be our goal of the future, and an effort should be made 
to measure the stress distribution in the slab under the 
various loading conditions to which it is subjected, 
including not only traffic loads but the loads produced 
by natural forces. Again, we must not neglect the 
stress due to impact, and suitable means must be de- 
vised for obtaining the stress distribution under the 
action of suddenly applied forces. 

Pressures distributed to the subgrade—A matter 
about which there is comparatively little knowledge is 
that of just how heavy truck loads are distributed to 
underlying subgrades. It goes without saying that if 
we ever hope to reach the stage of rational design we 
must be able to say definitely something of the law of 

distribution of concentrated loads to the underlying 
subgrade. Very little actual research has been per- 
formed on the distribution of pressures through mate- 
rials, primarily because of the extreme difficulty of 
performing investigations of this character. A few 
results have been obtained, however, showing how con- 
centrated loads are distributed through a concrete slab 
to the subgrade, and it is felt that we now at least 
have an apparatus that is satisfactory for that purpose. 
It would seem that a very important research would be 
that of determining the distribution of pressure in- 
tensity between the subgrade and the road slab under 
the action of heavy loads on the slab. The slabs 
should be of sufficient range in thickness and design, 
and the subgrade should vary in its characteristics. 
Such an investigation should also be made when the 
slab is subjected to impact. Unfortunately, however, 
there is now no available apparatus for determining 
subgrade pressures under impact, although it should 
be possible to devise such an apparatus. 


We have seen that roads are subjected to impact; 
then why is it not a logical procedure to subject road 
surfaces of different design to the heaviest impact that 
is to be expected from actual motor trucks? ‘That is 
the plan now being followed in a large series of tests 
in which a number of variations of designs are being 
used. The specimens are being subjected to the impact 
of a special impact machine designed to give the same 
impact given by the rear wheel of a 5-ton truck. By 
careful observation the results of impact tests of this 
character and the relative load-supporting value of 
various types of pavements is secured, and, moreover, 
such tests can be made when the road surfaces are sup- 
ported on subgrades of varying supporting capacity. 
From the results of the tests thus far completed it has 
been observed that there are astounding differences in 
the resistance to impact of slabs of different design. 
Such experiments should be carried out on a sufficiently 
wide range of subgrades, and should be followed by ex- 
perimental stretches of road subjected to actual traffic 
so as to tie in the results of the impact test with actual 
traffic conditions. It is planned to accomplish this by 
subjecting actual roads to impact through the use of 
an impact machine mounted on a motor truck. ; 

Investigations of the subgrade material—General ob- 
servation leads us to the belief that low bearing value 
in the subgrade greatly decreased the load-carrying 
capacity of the road structure. The question naturally 
arises, then, what characteristics do soils possess which 
render them of high or low bearing value? And, fur- 
ther, what steps must be taken to improve the bearing 
value of the subgrade? It becomes necessary to make 
laboratory tests on soils to determine the physical char- 
acteristics which cause them to have low bearing value. 

The following procedure is being carried out at the 
present time: Samples of soil are taken from the sub- 
grade in the vicinity of places where the road has 
failed very badly. Similar samples are also taken from 
parts of the same road that have not failed under the 
same traffic. All of the supporting data are obtained 
in the field, giving complete information as to the 
topography and drainage. Samples of soil are then 
analyzed in the laboratory, determinations being made 
of their physical characteristics, including mechanical 
analysis, percentage of clay, silt, colloidal content, and 
bearing value when the soils are saturated and when 
they are in various stages of saturation. In this way 
it is hoped to establish what are the physical character- 
istics of soils making for good or bad support. 

The question of how to improve the bearing value of 
soils should likewise be investigated. No laboratory 
tests are needed to prove that high water content in 
soils makes for low bearing value, and it goes, without 
saying that if we could properly eliminate water from 
the subgrade we would always have adequate support 
for our roads.. Investigations should, therefore, be 
made on drainage to the end that means will be estab- 
lished for adequately draining subgrades composed of 
the various kinds of materials and under all conditions 
of topography. 

The field of research to be covered for the rational 
design of roads to successfully carry heavy traffic under 
all conditions has many ramifications and can only be 
treated in a very general way. The following table, 
however, gives a list of the researches, the information 
from which should lead to the actual design of our 


1. Determination of static forces-and impacts of motor 
trucks on roads, including the effect of— 
(a) Sprung and unsprung weight distribu- 
(6) Tires and cushion wheels. 
(c) Springs. 
(d) Speed. 
(e) Kind and degree of roughness of road. 

2. A determination of the distribution of static force 
and impact through the road surface and subgrade, 
including effect of— 

A. Surface: , : 
(a) Load. 
(6) Variations in materials (bituminous, 
concrete, brick, etc.). 
(c) Variations in design (rigid slab v. non- 

rigid type). 
(Reinforced v. plain concrete. ) 
(Z) Variations in thickness, etc. 
(e) Variations in subgrade. 
B. Subgrade: 

(a) Variations in wearing surface. 
(6) Variations in load. 
(c) Variations in physical characteristics. 
(7) Variations in moisture. 

3. Investigations of road surface and subgrade mate- 


Norr.—This includes researches of the physical and 
chemical characteristics of materials and their combi- 
nations to determine their suitability and to establish 
such physical constants as may be needed in design. 

The above researches are deefthed necessary in order 
to place the design of roads on a rational basis, and it 
is only possible to carry out such a program in the 
shortest possible time through the coordination of all 
the agencies of the country capable of performing such 


In the meantime we are building roads and we want 
information very badly that will tell not how to arrive 
at the design of a road rationally but that will tell us 
with reasonable accuracy whether our road is going to 
prove adequate for the traffic. We should pursue our 
long series of tests to establish the fundamentals of 
road design, but we want approximate information 
immediately on what to expect of various designs. 
That is the reason for accelerated tests on actual roads. 
‘Such tests are not absolute, but they do give us much 
needed information quickly, and they point to certain 
limitations in the various designs. Among such tests 
may be classed the impact tests of road slabs now being 
carried out by the Bureau of Public Roads and the 
accelerated wear tests in which different types of roads 
are subjected to the same wearing device. 


WM. D. UHLER, Chief Engineer, Pennsylvania. 

T would be hard to question any of the writer’s con- 
clusions on the design of road slabs, inasmuch as he 
has covered in detail the effect which heavy, fast-mov- 
ing traffic would produce on road slabs and surfaces— 
namely, (1) the induction of shear, (2) of bending 
(thus causing very considerable stresses due to bending 
moment), (8) abrasive action, and finally (4) such 
stresses as may be occasioned by vibratory action set up 
in the slab. We all know that as a rule heavy shearing 

stresses induce incipient surface cracking or rutting, 
heavy bending stresses ultimately result in unduly wavy 
pavements, abrasive action ruptures the top surface, 
and vibratory action causes general rupture of the slab 
throughout its entirety, the last named being perhaps 

the most dangerous in very thin slabs, even though the | . 

subgrade conditions are ideal. 

We should not lose sight of the fact, however, that — 

there are many other features which should be given 


as much consideration as the purely theoretical factors 
of structural design. It is possible that we may not be 
justified, economically, in working toward an ideal 
pavement slab or section under all conditions. I mean 
that it may be quite apparent, under given conditions, 
that inferior materials may be used to form a base ‘for 
a road surface in which the stresses might be indeter- 

It would seem, primarily, that the design of the road 
slab or section should be based upon the subgrade con- 
ditions. Thus it follows that the subgrade should be 
subjected to certain tests, which will in the future 
become standardized, just prior to the placing of the 
slab. Such tests presuppose the protection of the sub- 
grade from weakening influences such as saturation, 
which would ultimately lead to failure, due either to 
flow of the subgrade or frost action. 

It would naturally follow that future practice will 
lead to what we might term the design of the subgrade 
in the field and to a refusal to accept it until it passes 
the tests which the engineer feels will warrant ‘him in 
concluding that the slab which is to be used will be 
capable of so distributing the pressure that the coefli- 
cient of elasticity of the slab will not be exceeded. 


In order to carry this out, the engineer must become 
thoroughly conversant with the methods which may be 
used in arriving at suitable subgrade conditions, viz: 

(1) The design of the proper type of drainage system. 
This may consist of tile underdrains, stone underdrains 
(the underdrains being of either longitudinal or lateral 
types) ; the selection of a proper open-ditch design, or 
the selection of a paved ditch which will readily handle 
surface waters and keep the subgrade dry, or, finally, 
gravel or broken stone sub-bases. 

(2) Some treatment of soils which will reduce their 
capillarity. It is realized that up to this time no eco- 
nomical method has been developed to remedy this 

(3) A study of the proper compaction of deep fills to 
lessen the possibilities of slab failures. 

(4) Treatment of variable subgrades, such as old road 
surfaces, by plowing, harrowing, etc., so that when re- 
rolled they will have the same relative coefficient of 
elasticity over their entire surface. 

My reason for discussing these features is to bring 
out the fact that it is relatively just as important to 
design the subgrade as it is to design the pavement, 
and I feel that to the lack of-a subgrade design may 
be laid the major portion of such failures as have 
occurred in the past, and, further, that it is not prac- 
tical to attempt to design an economic siab until a 
subgrade is formed which will provide a suitable 


It would seem that it is particularly undesirable at 

this time to accept any tests or conclusions which might 
point to an accepted or recommended practice in the 

design of slabs, because such tests as have been carried 
out do not furnish substantial evidence which might 
reasonably point to an economic design. In this con- 
nection it is pertinent and germane to question the de- 
sirability of accepting as conclusive at this time any 
tabulation, prepared for the guidance of engineers and 
highway officials, which shows the relative suitability 
of the many types of pavement surfaces now in use in 
this country for heavy-truck traffic. In a recent tabu- 
lation it was stated that vitrified brick on concrete is 
considered the highest or best type of pavement for 
This conclusion 

heavy motor-truck traffic. was un- 
doubtedly arrived at through laboratory tests. Actuai 

field experience shows that this type of pavement must 
be considered among the most unsatisfactory pavements 
for heavy motor-truck traffic. ‘The wearing surface on 
this type of pavement is not under the direct control 
of the engineer in the field. Due to irreguiarities of 
surface, brought about either by poor details of con- 
struction or by nonuniformity of the brick units form- 
ing the surface, exceptionally heavy impact stresses 
are created. 

It is unfortunate that many of the tests which have 
been conducted have been premised upon sections which, 
from an economic standpoint, are not comparable; for 
instance, it is shown that the relative resisting qualities 
of a grouted brick surface on a 6-inch concrete base 
closely approximate those of a grouted brick on a 4- 
inch concrete base, placed under practically the same 
working conditions. Extreme care should be taken, 
therefore, in attempting to interpret these tests, and we 
should always keep in mind not only the relative resist- 
ing qualities of the types but their relative costs in 
dollars and cents. We should not forget that the lab- 
oratory test is but one means of attempting to solve the 
problem, and we should not lose sight of the fact that 
the test of actual experience with roads which are carry- 
ing heavy traffic is probably at this time the most con- 
sistent and conservative way of judging of the perma- 
nence of any particular type of pavement. 

Pennsylvania, at this time, has a yearly registration 
of over 570,000 motor vehicles. Our roads are sub- 
jected to an exceedingly heavy punishment, particu- 
larly from excessive truck loading, and the conclusions 
arrived at above are based on actual engineering obser- 
vations and studies in the field. 


It would seem desirable at this time to call attention 
to the need of a conservative interpretation of tests. A 
pamphlet issued not long ago entitled “ Clouds on the 
Transportation Horizon” endeavors to create the im- 
pression that it is not the heaviest type of truck which 
causes failures of our road surfaces, but, rather, that it 
is the light, fast-moving truck traffic. ‘It would seem 
particularly unwise at this time to endeavor to reach 
this conclusion. These conditions might hold for one 

season of the year, but are inapplicable to other sea- 
sons; for instance, a heavy, slow-moving load will: un- 
doubtedly result in failures of road surfaces during the 
early spring months when our road surfaces are, as it 
were, held in unstable equilibrium. Having in mind 
the various points which have been raised, I might state 
that our studies in Pennsylvania have led us toward the 
preparation of more uniform subgrades, and that our 
new specifications will eliminate the storage of all zon- 
struction materials on the subgrade or require their 
storage in piles which shall at all times be at least 1,000 
feet in advance of the actual placing of the surfacing 
materials. It might be of further interest to state that 


we have at this time six different schemes for drainage 
which are being used on all construction work, the 
particular system adopted being premised on- actual 
investigation in the field. 

In conclusion, I wish to congratulate Mr. Goldbeck 
on the able presentation he has made of the necessity 
for detailed researches in connection with this most 
vital and interesting topic, and it is to be hoped that 
the States will cooperate with:the Bureau of Public 
Roads in the fullest measure, in its endeavors to carry 
out further researches along broad, practical, econom- 
ical lines in the field; for it is by these methods only 
that we can arrive at a definite conclusion. | 


By CLIFFORD OLDER, Chief Highway Engineer, Illinois. 

It is a matter of common observation that as rapidly 
as paved roads are built the traffic using such roads 
increases enormously and almost invariably changes in 
character. When roads are built through agricultural 
or industrial territory it soon becomes evident that truck 
traffic is the chief destructive element, and as the most 
insistent demand for paved roads comes largely from 
such territory it is evident that rural pavements, except 
in unusual cases, must be designed for truck traffic. — 

It seems evident from even a casual observation of 
well-constructed rural pavements of rigid type that 
wear is no longer an important factor. As an example, 
Milwaukee Avenue, leading northwesterly from Chi- 
cago and just north of the city limits, carries from 

due perhaps largely to frost action, seem still to be 
with us, although such cracks can probably be largely 

controlled by substituting longitudinal dividing planes, 

The only visible evidence that our well-constructed 
rigid pavements may have a limited life is found in the 
appearance and widening of cracks, the occurrence of 
“ blow-ups,”’ and the occurrence of breaks due to ex- 
cessive loads. 

Apparently, transverse cracks or joints and pos- 
sibly longitudinal cracks or joints also will always be 
a factor to be considered. Observation of brick and 

so-called soft-top pavements laid on concrete bases show 

2,500 to 3,000 mixed vehicles. on week days and from. 

10,000 to 15,000 passenger cars on Sundays. -This sec- 
tion was paved with concrete in 1915. It is not diffi- 
cult to distinguish in places the original hand float 
marks, and it is altogether probable that practically all 
of the slight wear to be observed occurred during the 
first year or two of its use before steel-tired wagons 
were replaced by rubber-tired trucks and automobiles. 
Very careful measurements have been made during the 
past six months and no measureable wear can be de- 
tected. > 

Kxpansion of the pavement due to any cause.may be 
provided for either by inserting transverse joints of a 
yielding material or may practically be neglected if the 
pavement is sufficiently strong safely to resist the com- 
pressive forces induced by expansion. Expansion joints 
have been omitted in Illinois practice for five years. 
The few “ blow-ups” that have occurred were repaired 
at much less expense than the interest on the money 
saved by the omission of the joints. 

It would seem that no economical means have yet 

been devised to prevent transverse cracking due to: 

the contraction of the pavement slab, except by the 
construction of artificial joints. 

Longitudinal cracks, 

that. at least the bases of such pavements are no more 
free from cracks or joints than are concrete pavements. 
In such pavements, however, the cracks are not as con- 
spicuous and may not require the same class of main- 
tenance. It may safely be stated that cracks and joints, 
if properly cared for, affect the life of a rigid slab only 
as they may affect its strength or load-carrying ca- 

It is not necessary to apply mathematical calculations 
to develop the fact that a load applied near the center 
of a comparatively large unbroken pavement slab 
would produce much lower stresses therein than would 
be produced were the same load apphed at or near the 
edge of the same slab. Further, it is evident that a 
load applied at the edge of an unbroken slab would 
not produce stresses comparable with those produced 
by the same load placed at a corner formed by cracks 
or joints. It is obvious that these are bending stresses 
and the resisting moment of the slab, especially as re- 
gards tensile stresses, is of vital importance. This 
theory was advanced in an article by the writer pub- 
lished in Engineering News-Record, May 18, 1919. 

Regardless of the supporting capacity of the sub- 
grade, it is the corners formed by the intersection of 
cracks and joints with each other and with the edges 

of the pavement that constitute the weak points of 
rigid slab pavements. On the Illinois roads which 
carry truck traffic many broken corners have been ob- 
served in all types of rigid pavements, and only in a 
single instance has a traffic break been observed that 
was not readily traceable to the piecemeal breaking 
down of corners or ngrrow strips formed by longi- 
tudinal cracks making acute angles with the edge of 
the slab. 

The exception was an asphalt-top pavement on a 
1:3:5 concrete base, 4 inches thick at the sides and 5 
inches thick at the center, which broke into small 
pieces under excessive truck loads. .An examination 
of the base showed that the transverse strength of the 
base had been exceeded, not merely at the corners but 
also at the edges and near the center of large slabs. 
No concrete slab or base 6 inches or more in thickness 
has broken except at the corners. 

Until we are able to control completely the cracking 
of rigid slabs it seems obvious that we must design 
the entire slab to carry the imposed loads at the weak 
points—the corners. 


Preliminary investigations by the Illinois highway 
department confirm the findings of the Bureau of Pub- 
he Roads as to the greatly reduced supporting capacity 
of clay soils as the percentage of moisture increases. 

Further investigations have developed the following 
data : 

Ilinois corn-belt clay soil rapidly absorbs 
moisture to render its supporting capacity 
surface almost nil. 

Under the center of an 18-foot concrete slab one 
month old, laid on a subgrade on which no rain had 
fallen for 6 weeks, the subgrade soil was found to con- 
tain about 17 per cent moisture after a 2-days drizzling 

The subgrade under pavements laid on both cut and 
fill sections with 6-foot earth shoulders, but without tile 
drains, appeared practically saturated when investi- 
gated 3 or more days after the beginning of a rainy 

A very narrow crack will permit the passage of large 
volumes of water to the subgrade. The practical s satu- 
ration of the subgrade soil for several feet each side of 
a narrow crack is but a matter of a’ few hours’ time 
during a period of continuous rain or melting snow. 

The repeated passage of heavy wheel loads over cor- 
ners, even when such corners are supported by com- 
paratively dry, clay subgrades, causes, within certain 
limits, a progressive depression of the soil under the 

near the 

These investigations, although not as. yet extended 
enough to be conclusive, indicate strongly that it may 
be difficult, if not economically impracticable, by any 
system of drainage, combined possibly with a water- 
proofing of the subgrade, to maintain a clay subgrade 
dry enough to afford any reliable support to the corners. 

In the following tentative method of design it is pro- 



Lae ae 

posed that subgrade support be neglected as a definite 


_ As corners are obviously weaker than other portions 
of the slab, only the corners may be considered. 

Until erratic cracking can be controlled it is neces- 
sary. to build all portions of the slab on the basis of 
corner strength. 

Considerations of economy prohibit the use of rein- 
forcing steel as a strength factor. 

Until conclusive observations of the dependable sup- 
porting capacity of subgrade soils can be made, taking 
into account the possible. control of the moisture con- 
tent, support of corners by the subgrade should be prac- 
tically neglected. 

When bituminous-filled expansion joints are omitted, 
and frequent dividing planes with dowel pins or 
tongue-and-groove joints are used so that erratic trans- 
verse cracks may not be expected to open materially, a 
wheel load placed on one side of a joint or crack near 
a corner may be considered as divided equally between 
the adjacent corners or slabs. (It is suggested that con- 
traction joints be formed by galvanized or painted cor- 
rugated sheet metal or metal sheets so bent as to provide 
tongue-and-groove joints.) 

When bituminous-filled expansion joints are used, or 
when frequent contraction joints are not used, thus 
increasing the probability of the wide separation of 
occasional cracks, the entire maximum wheel load 
should be considered as supported by one corner. 

The effect of impact on a rigid slab constructed 
strictly in accordance with strict specifications as to 


surface smoothness may be considered as offset by 
subgrade support. The improbability of the maximum 
wheel load ever being applied at a point vausing maxi- 
mum moment provides an additional factor of safety. 

Observation of the pointer of an Ames dial set to 
measure the deflection of corners failed to show visible 
vibration during the close passage of moving truck 
wheels. These tests were made on a Federal-aid sec- 
tion of concrete road constructed by contract, with no 
attempt to secure unusual smoothness. It is possible, 
although not probable, that impact vibration, too rapid 
to be detected by ordinary means, may have been 
present, . 

In the design it is only necessary to consider tensile 
fiber stress. . 

Referring to the sketch, figure 1, W=maximum 
wheel load, one-half of which is to be considered as 
applied at C. 


moment arm. : 

AB=2x, since the critical section is located on a line 
making an angle of 45° with the edges of the slab. 

M=moment of force applied to one corner=} Wa. 

S=allowable tensile stress of the material forming 
the upper.surface of the transverse strength element of 
the slab. 

d=depth of slab. 

c—distance from neutral axis to outer fibre=$ d. 

T=Moment of inertia of the cross section of the slab 
ake 2a? - 
at the critical section =—— 


Substituting these values in the formula S= ye 

ze) 1.5W 
Le rd= eae 

Assuming the whole load carried iG one corner only, 

this formula would become S = EU ord = ee 

from load to critical section= 

this formula reduces to S = 


It is to be noted that at right-angle corners the criti- 
cal sections may be at any distance from the loaded 
point. In practice the subgrade under the corners of 
a slab carrying a double line of heavy traffic will be 
depressed more than elsewhere leaving subgrade sup- 
port some distance back. 

Perhaps it would be safer to consider the entire wheel 
load as carried by one corner, although the few ex- 
periments so far made in Illinois show equal deflec- 
tions of adjacent corners when such corners are formed 
by narrow cracks or doweled dividing planes, the load 
being imposed upon one corner only. 

If one corner only is considered as carrying the 
whole load, then the above formula is undoubtedly on 
the safe side if the pavement is built with a sufficiently 
smooth surface to redtce impact to a negligible quan- 

We have had under observation a concrete road, 
6 inches thick at the sides and 8 inches thick at the cen- 

ter, constructed with a 1:2:34 wet mix, roller, and belt 
finish. No expansion joints were used in the construc- 
tion. Header boards provided dividing planes at the 
end of each day’s work. The breaks were all at corners 
formed by rather wide cracks, and were definitely 
known to have been caused by certain trucks ‘hauling 
crushed stone. The load on each of the rear wheels of 
these trucks was computed to be 9,000 pounds. 

In accordance with the above formula and assuming 
no subgrade support or mutual support of adjacent 
corners, a wheel load of 9,000 pounds applied at the 
corner would produce, in a 6-inch slab, a fiber stress of 
about 750 pounds per square inch. 

The actual stress developed at the right-angle cor- 
ners was no doubt less than this, as it would have been 
impossible for the entire wheel load to come upon the 
extreme corner. 

Only 12 corners have been broken, out of several hun- 
dred which existed in the length of road used by the 
trucks. The modulus of rupture of the concrete is not 
known, but probably it is between 500 and 600 pounds 
per square inch. 

The fact that all corners were not broken was prob- 
ably due to partial subgrade support, partial mutual 
support of adjacent corners, but largely to the fact 
that the loaded trucks traveled close to the edge of the 
18-foot slab only when passing empty trucks going in 
the opposite direction. ‘There was no traffic on the road 
aside from the stone trucks. The loading of the cor- 
ners, therefore, occurred only at infrequent intervals 
when trucks passed at cracks or joints. <A total of 
about 1,500 loads were hauled. This instance would 
seem to afford a rough check on the formula. 


The further investigation of slab deflections and 

stresses, the effect of mix, type of wearing surface, etc., - 

on modulus of rupture, the supporting capacity of soils 
with varying moisture content, the variation of the 
moisture content and supporting capacity of such soils 
under pavement slabs at different seasons and with 
different types of drainage systems, the compression of 
soils under repeated loads, the possibility of largely 
controlling the location of longitudinal and transverse 
cracks by sheet-metal divisions, the mutual support of 
adjacent slabs afforded by friction on the rough sur- 
face of cracks, the mutual support of adjacent slabs 
which may be secured by artificial means at dividing 
planes, and other items affecting the transverse sup- 
porting capacity of pavement slabs is being carried on 
in connection with a 2-mile test road which is being 
constructed by the Illinois highway department, and 
at favorable points on old pavements. 

The test road was designed to determine as far as 
possible the load-supporting capacity of various types 
of pavements, laid on a uniform subgrade, as affected 

egret irs Wee 

nS A ee ag NE 



by thickness and other elements governing transverse 

Great care was used in selecting the site in order that 
uniform subgrade, alignment, and grade conditions 
might prevail. The road will be closed to public traffic 
until the test is complete. Upon completion and curing 
of the pavement the road will be subjected to an arti- 
ficial truck traffic, gradually increasing in weight until 
the legal load limit as established in Illinois has been 
exceeded by about 50 per cent. 

Four principal types of pavement are being used— 
macadam base with brick and bituminous concrete 
wearing surface; concrete base with bituminous top; 
concrete base with monolithic and soft filled brick top; 
and one-course concrete. 

In the main each test section is 200 feet long. The 
series of sections for each type begins with a thickness 
roughly estimated as equivalent to 4 inches of concrete 
and increases to the approximate equivalent of 9 inches 
of concrete. . 

The behavior of the subgrade before and during load- 
ing will be observed by means of pressure cells secured 
from the United States Bureau of Public Roads, and 

by means of special observation devices consisting es- 
sentially of sections of iron pipe set in the slab, pro- 
tected at the top oy removable plugs, and containing a 
loose brass disk in contact with the subgrade. By 
means of ap inner pipe this disk is forced down when 
the pavement deflects under load and remains in con- 
tact with the subgrade as the slab recovers. Thus a 
means is provided to observe with an Ames dial the 
permanent or temporary depression of the subgrade. 

The supporting capacity of the subgrade may also 
be observed at any time by loading the disk and by 
removing the disk moisture samples may be obtained. 

A descriptive bulletin is being prepared which will 
give in detail the design of the various sections, meth- 
ods and control of construction, description and use of 
special apparatus, observations under way and con- 
templated, plan of loading, etc. It is expected that the 
loading will be started in July or August, 1921. 

It is hoped that when completed the above briefly 
described investigations may aid materially in deter- 
mining a rational method for the design of rigid slabs. 
In the meantime the foregoing provisional method of 
design is suggested for use. 

Load Limitations for Primary and Secondary Roads 

A Cc. J. BENNETT, State Highway Commissioner, Connecticut. 

4 hae topic under discussion is directly connected 
with the consideration of the efficiency of high- 
way transportation, a subject which heretofore has not 
been very seriously studied by the majority of highway 
engineers. | 

Preliminary to discussion of this topic it may be 
said that most of us are faced in a greater or less de- 
gree with an abnormally heavy highway traffic which, 
from various causes, has been placed upon our high- 

ways regardless of their suitability or strength. We 

know that we shall be required to carry tremendous 
loads over the highways. We do not know the magni- 
tude of these loads, nor have we any assurance of a 
limit, either to the weight of the units or to the total 
volume of traffic to which our highways will be sub- 

It seems evident that before we can intelligently de- 
sign highways, bridges, or other structures, we must 
know the character, amount, weight, and speed of 
vehicles which we are expected to accommodate. It 
would also seem axiomatic that it is not fair to ask for 
the development of highway systems everywhere to 
carry the extreme loads which are now being borne by 
motor trucks. This would mean the expenditure of 
vast sums of money for the accommodation of a limited 
number of units. Hence, we develop a need for a 
separation of highways into classes. For purposes of 

discussion we shall assume that highways may be di- 
vided in two classes as outlined in the subject of this 


In order to indicate more clearly the scope of the 
problem, we must define the terms which we are using. 
In other words, we must answer the question, What 
are primary and what secondary highways. For pur- 
poses of discussion and not determination, let us 
roughly define primary highways’as those highways 
connecting centers of industry, whether manufactur- 
ing or agricultural, over which must be carried com- 
mercial products in large quantities continuously at 
all seasons of the year. Secondary highways may be 
said to include all other highways than those classi- 
fied as primary, or perhaps those roads which are re- 
quired to carry traffic of a secondary importance, 
whether passenger cars or light commercial vehicles. 
These highways are those which eventually must serve 
all parts of the community and aid in the progress and 
development of the Nation. 

Roughly speaking, the routes thus classified should 
be so correlated and so designed as to provide for the 
most efficient use of the motor vehicle for commercial 
purposes without infringing upon the field of other 
methods of transportation, such as rail or water. Pro- 


vision must be made in design that the primary high- 
way systems may be expanded as the need arises with- 
out undue loss in original investment. Here we have 
a very large field for investigation. It is not herein 
intended to give an absolute solution of the problem 
nor to cover al! of this investigation. We have sug- 
gested the need for limitation of load, and the impos- 
sibility of improving all highways to the maximum re- 
quirement has been superficially indicated. 


The restriction of loads under these suggested limita- 
tions should be further considered. In the first place, 
the subject must be approached not as one concerning 
any particular State or group of States, or any small 
unit of government. It must be studied as affecting the 
administration of all highway departments throughout 
the United States. In other words, any limitations 
which are placed upon loads should be universal and 
apply to all motor vehicles whether operated in Maine 
or California. This, of course, implies the passage of 
National or uniform State laws. It can easily be seen 
from this statement that the problem is not easy of 
solution: It requires broader study and stronger co- 
operation than we have yet been able to accomplish. 
It demands a knowledge of motor-truck operation that 
is not yet available. It suggests numerous lines of 
thought which can be followed by conclusions which, 
when reached, can be collected together and used as 
information to impose restrictions as to weight and as 
data for design. The subject is not alone one of load 
limitation, but should be enlarged to cover any limita- 
tions which may be placed upon the operation of 
motors and loads such as speed, width, height, length, 
number of units in a train, design of mechanism, and 
myriads of other things that will develop as we pursue 
our way. 

These are, of course, generalities. We must have a 
starting point. We must have some specific suggestions 
as to the limits of the loads which may be operated on 
routes designated as primary and on those defined as 
secondary. Of course, for the purpose of securing a 
definite point of beginning, we must go into what has 
already been done along these lines. 


Referring to a discussion 1918 in Chicago, at 
which both the highway officials and the motor-truck 
manufacturers were represented, certain limitations of 
motor vehicles were decided. So far as the writer is 
concerned, nothing has developed since that time which 
would modify the conclusions there reached. These 
conclusions have to do with the maximum weights, 
widths, and heights of motor vehicles, and are conse- 
quently applicable only to the primary routes which 
we have defined above as those which may be considered 
as the main media of highway transportation. ‘The 

limitations thus set were a maximum gross weight of 
28,000 pounds, or 800 pounds per inch width of solid 
rubber tire. The width of the load was to be 108 
inches, and the maximum height 12 feet. These re- 
strictions would allow the use of a 5-ton truck as now 
built, loaded to capacity, and it would seem that this 
is the maximum weight of truck which may be efficient 
for primary highways. We must realize that this limi- 
tation is not for to-day alone but for the future as well, 
and should last for the life of the road. 

Until, however, we have finally completed our pri- 
mary highway systems, we must modify these restric- 
tions somewhat. In other words, we must provide for 
the operation of these units only at such times as they 
will subject the road surface to the minimum wear. 
We must provide some method of still further restrict- 
ing these loads at seasons of the year when the maxi- 
mum damage to highway surfaces occurs. This power, 
again, should be universal and in the hands of those 
intrusted with the care and upkeep of highways. 
Means must be provided whereby the maximum loads 
will be operated only on the primary systems. 


Considering further the question of secondary high- 
ways, here we have a still larger subject, for we must 
provide a standard of construction and maintenance 
for all other highways than primary routes in order to 
carry a specified load. This portion of the problem is 
much more complicated and harder of solution than 
the former portion, for we must realize that we are 
dealing with the far larger amount of traffic over the 
secondary routes than over the primary routes. In 
other words, as we increase the restrictions on loads 
or amount of load, we are approaching closely to the 
maximum number of motor vehicles operated. 

For illustration, taking a certain 20,000 commercial 

motor vehicles licensed, only 750 of these vehicles are - 

in excess of 4 tons capacity, while upward of 16,000 
are less than 2 tons capacity, so that our restrictions 
for a secondary system of highways must be such that 
we shall secure the maximum efficient operation of the 
larger number of commercial motor vehicles. For this 
reason it is suggested that the maximum allowable 
total load for secondary highways shall be 12,000 
pounds unless the load is carried on pneumatic tires, 
when it may be increased to 15,000 pounds. We may 
inquire why this increase may be made. Rouglily, it 
is thought, and experiment tends to prove, that the 
pneumatic tire, properly inflated, does less damage to 
the highway surface than the solid tire, especially when 
the solid tire is partly worn. 
assumptions may be checked in the future and more 
formule developed which will be exact rather than 
empirical. None of the limitations suggested have 
taken into consideration the passenger car, as either 

It is hoped that these — 


PR as 


SPT OCT ee, ae SF 



system properly designed should properly accommo- 
date the passenger car when load alone is considered. 

In general consideration of the subject as a whole 
we must therefore conclude that limitations are neces- 
sary whatever they may be, but that the information 
at hand is not sufficiently definite to say what the effect 
of certain loads may be. A future study: of this topic 
is Imperative and is being made. 


Again, as a general conclusion to this discussion, we 
must admit that if any limitation of loads is determined 
upon it must be enforced. There is no use or reason in 
attempting to establish restrictions on traffic with no 
intention or means of enforcement. A study of this 
subject would not be complete, or even partially so, 
without a suggestion of the methods to be followed in 
seeing that the rules laid down are carried out. The 
writer has knowledge of many instances where laws 
restricting weights are written without attempt to en- 
force. It is evident that such a practice is almost of 
no use. 

Tn order that the universal rules suggested above may 
be properly carried out, there will be need for co- 


Thomas Maddock, State highway engineer, Arizona: 
If no load limitation is provided we shall inevitably 
have a lot of valuable paving destroyed by heavy loads 
on the one hand, and on the other some paving will be 
built heavier than is needed to carry those loads which 
are finally agreed upon as being proper. 

If enough States limit truck loading, the manufac- 
turers will build accordingly, as it is.obvious that they 
can not manufacture a few large trucks economically. 
Apparently there is no possibility of trucks competing 
with railroads in carrying heavy loads long distances. 
Trucks can not compete economically even with nar- 
row-gauge railroads, where quantity tonnage is con- 
cerned, even with their tracks, 1. e. the highways, built 
and maintained by the public. Unrestrained by any 
law, except the law of supply and demand and the 
carrying capacity of rubber, the great majority of 
trucks now built, are of not over 5-ton capacity. In 
other words, existing conditions have already restricted 
maximum truck capacity. 

There is a limit to the labor and capital which the 
public can devote to road building. Such expenditure 
of the limited funds as will procure the greatest good 
for the greatest number is certainly the only course 
it is practicable to take at this time. This will mean 
the construction of large mileage of a rational type of 
road rather than the building of an indestructible but 


operation between the different States in the enforce- 
ment of their licensing rules and in checking up the 
vehicles registered. Consequently, it appears that any 
highway system should be developed in cooperation 
with the motor-vehicle department, and a proper polic- 
ing department provided whereby it may be thoroughly 
established that the laws regarding the use of the 
highway by loads are absolutely carried out. These de- 
partments should all be built up on a standard scheme 
of organization. 

As outlined above, this is not an attempt to solve 
once and for all a problem which has been presented 
tous. This isimpossible. There are many steps ahead 
of us in the proper solution of this difficulty. We have 
only begun to realize the magnitude of the traffic which 
we must accommodate. Repeating again for emphasis, 
the problem is large and broad in its scope; its factors 
are unknown. We have a long, tedious course of study 
before us until we can set down the actual facts to 
prove our contentions regarding the limitation of loads. 
To this we must add a sincere effort to prove to the 
different agencies interested in highway transportation 
the need of some sensible and reasonable restrictions 
to be enforced. 



decreased mileage of highways capable of carrying the 
occasional giant vehicle. 


I do not agree with the suggestion that different 
load limits be adopted for primary and secondary 
roads. It is nearly impossible to build a good sec- 
ondary road without thereby creating a primary road. 
I believe the primary thoroughfares should be broader 
than the secondary roads; but the difference in width 
of primary and secondary roads is not under discus- 
sion. In ability to carry load I believe the two classes 
of roads should measure up to the same standard. The 
difference in the cost of the small drainage structures 
capable of carrying say, a 28,000-pound load as against 
a 15,000-pound load, is negligible in permanent con- 
struction. Large bridges are so expensive under any 
circumstances as to be relatively few in number. This 
concentrates traffic on them which makes them become 
part of primary roads. The surface of pavements: is 
probably worn more by the number of vehicles than 
by the few extra heavy loads which use the road. 

The elimination of the bridges and the width and 
surface of paving leaves the strength of the paving 
slab as the controlling feature in load limitations. 
The strength of these slabs increases with the depth of 
paving much faster than the cost, and I should prefer 


to invest the State’s money in the greater depth re- 
quired to paying the salaries of three 8-hour shifts of 
policemen to stand at the innumerable intersections of 
primary and secondary roads and weigh every vehicle 
which some one desires to drive on to,the latter. If 
our secondary roads are built strong enough, they can 
be widened at any time and easily become primary 
roads. On roads already built the load limitation 
should be determined by each road’s carrying capacity 
rather than by some general classification as primary. 
and secondary. 

The prestige of the Bureau of Public Roads should 
be sufficient to secure the passage of a uniform load 
law in each State upon request. If not, the Govern- 
ment’s interest in the investment of Federal funds 
warrants the bureau in demanding that the Govern- 
ment’s equity be protected by restricting the use of 
roads to properly loaded vehicles. 

I think the load limitation suggested by Mr. Ben- 
nett—that is, 28,000 pounds for primary roads—while 
probably somewhat higher than is absolutely needed 
at present, provides well for the future and should be 
adopted. To my mind, however, it is not a question 
of adopting this load limitation, but of deciding upon 
some load limitation. There are too many unknowns 
in the road equation. This one can ‘and should be 


James W. Synan, commissioner, Massachusetts: No 
doubt the Eastern States find themselves bothered 
more by the great truck problem than many of the 
Western States. Our commission has charge of the 
motor-vehicle department as well as the road-building 
department, so, like Commissioner Bennett, we have 
had our eyes opened to a realization of the troubles that 
are coming. Massachusetts is attempting to meet the 
problem by charging a license fee somewhat propor- 
tionate to the damage done by the truck to the road. 
We have reached the point where we do not believe that 
the ordinary individual should be taxed to take care 
of the comparatively few people who are benefited, in 
a broad sense, by these tremendous vehicles. We find 
that every road in our State built previous to five or 
six years ago will have to be rebuilt to accommodate 
the comparatively few people who insist upon operat- 
ing trucks with loads weighing 12 to 15 tons or more. 

For many years, in Massachusetts, trucks paid a fee 

of $5, no matter how big they were or how much weight’ 

they carried. After some agitation the fee was in- 
creased, but we could only get it increased to $8 for a 
2-ton truck, $11 for a 3-ton, $14 for the 4-ton, and $17 
for the 5-ton truck. Two or three years ago the fees 
were again increased to $10 for the first ton and $10 for 
each additional ton, making $50 for 5-ton trucks. The 
board, of which I happen to be a member, has sub- 
mitted a bill to the legislature for passage at its coming 

‘ sirable overloaded trucks. 

session, levying $20 for the first ton, $50 for vebicles 
carrying between 1 ton and 2 tons, $100 for the 3-ton © 
size, and $150 for the 5-ton truck. Even these fees 
are not comparable to the damage these trucks do. I 
told a man in my community who asked to have certain 
roads improved that a proper fee for his truck would 
be $1,000 a year, and that even then he would be a 
burden to the Commonwealth in running that truck. 
He carried about a 15-ton load every day in the year for 
the paltry sum of $17 a year. 

We might as well meet this problem face to face. I 
question very much whether we could justify our pres- 
ent low scale of fees if we were called upon. We do 
not believe that the ordinary individual who comprises 
the great 99 per cent of the population of our State is 
called upon to submit to taxation for the benefit, of the 
few. We believe in taxing the motor truck somewhat 
proportionately to the damage it does, and we feel that 
until we do we shall be unduly and unfairly laying the 
burden of these loads on the ordinary individual. 

Andrew Marvick, commissioner, South Dakota: I sub- 
scribe to the spirit of the remarks of the gentle- 
man from Massachusetts, but in fitting action to the 
thought I should be inclined to go a little further. | 
I do not think the tax proposed will begin to pay for 
the damage done by the trucks. In my judgment the 
tax should be about $50 for the first ton, and it should 
be greatly increased for every additional ton. We all 
agree that the heavier loads are the ones that damage 
the roads. 
tionately, say, at the rate of $100 for a 2-ton truck, 
$200 for 3 tons, $400 for 4 tons, $800 for 5 tons, and 
$1,600 for a 6-ton truck. If they build them any 
larger, we can. go up with them. That would be the 
best solution of the problem. 


J. N. Mackall, chairman, State roads commission, 
Maryland: We started out with a tax of $25 on a 
1-ton truck, $150 on $5 tons, and $500 on a 7-ton truck. 
Two years ago we found that $500 would not carry a 
7-ton truck, nor would $5,000 carry it, so the last legis- 
lature provided that no trucks of greater than 5 tons 
capacity would be licensed. 

Then we started out to clear the highways of unde-- 
We could not tax them out — 
of existence, so we decided to legislate them out. One 
large company was operating a fleet of 107 trucks to 
Boston from a point beyond our western border. They 
came in over the national pike to Cumberland, car- 
rying 14,000 pounds net, and the trucks weighed about 
6 tons. We fined them $50 for overloading and made 
them take off the load, put it on the railroad train, and 
ship it to Boston by rail. They kept on coming. We — 
got $50 a trip, and they kept on coming. That wasn’t — 
what we wanted. We established a weighing station — 

Why not, then, make them pay propor- — 


over in the mountains, where the road enters the State. 
When we caught a truck carrying a gross load of more 
than 10,000 pounds we made the driver unload and 
pile his merchandise on the. side of the road until 
another truck could be brought in to put it on.’ We 
only had to unload two trucks to convince them we were 
in earnest. They could afford to pay $50, but when 
they had to send another truck 17 miles over the moun- 
tains to pick up the load and carry it to Boston they 

As a result of our experience we consider it is a simple 
matter to eliminate overloaded traffic. We thought 
three months ago that it might be very difficult. On 
our main lines we erected permanent scales, where we 
can weigh 20 tons. On the other highways we use the 
loadometer. We have found it very satisfactory ex- 
cept that when they come thick and fast it is difficult 
- to weigh them without a great deal of protest on the 
part of the truck drivers. During the first week of 
the campaign, which was the first week in September, 
we caught 60 trucks on the Washington road. We 
found the owners guilty of overloading and fined them 
from $10 to $100. The next week on the Belair road 
we got 70 trucks; at the end of five weeks we got three 
trucks in a week; the sixth week we got only one truck. 
We have not averaged more than one a day for the last 
three or four months, and it begins to look like we have 
practically eliminated overloading. . 

For the purposes of the campaign we have erected 
two sets of permanent scales—one on the Baltimore- 
Philadelphia road and one on the Washington Boule- 
vard. We use these one day a week, and supplement 
them by the use of the loadometer on the other roads 
where we have knowledge that trucks are operating. 
When we have no definite knowledge of violations of 
the law, we simply select a road at random. The un- 
certainty as to where we are going to be does away with 
the necessity for constant patrol. The patrolmen all 
have the power of arrest and do actually arrest, but 
they also see that the truck is unloaded immediately, 
and this, we believe, is the salutary part of the treat- 
ment. : 

We believe we have hit upon the solution of the prob- 
lem. Certainly it is not sufficient merely to increase 
the license fee, because that does not make it possible 
to maintain the existing roads. Nor is it enough to ar- 
rest the violators of the law and fine them—they are 
perfectly willing to pay for the privilege of carrymg 
the overload. The only measure which seems to be 
effective is to unload the trucks. 


J._N. Cole, commissioner of public works, Massachu- 
setts: There seems to be a very definite purpose in 

the minds of most of those in control of the operation 
and construction of highways to force the trucks off the 
roads or make them pay a fee which will adequately 
compensate for the damage they do to the highWays. I 
think it will be wise to think twice before accepting 
the first proposal. It would be wrong to adopt the 
theory that these roads are sacred for a single individ- 
ual or for a group of individuals. The theory that 
should guide us is that roads are for service, and be- 
yond that it seems to me that we are charged to-day 
with the construction of highways in order that motor 
trucks may operate over them with a service to the 
community comparable with and even perhaps more 
important than the service of the railroads and the 
waterways. If we overlook that we shall fail to make 
of the highways the agency to industry, to commercial 
life, to transportation in its broad relation to world 
activities, that 1t must become in order to justify, in the 
end, the big expenditures we make. The way to solve 
the problem is to cooperate with the manufacturer of 
trucks, working along little by little until we reach the 
point where he knows he can not afford to destroy high- 
ways any more than the railroad man can afford to run 
a 40-ton locomotive on a 40-pound rail. When you 
reach that point you will have no difficulty. 


Clifford Older, chief engineer, Illinois: I think there 
can be no doubt that load limitations should strike 
a balance of economy between motor-truck operation 
and the maintenance of the road surface. Whether 
we know just what the load limitation may be to strike 
that balance at the present time is a matter of some 
doubt. However, all of us here are so intensely inter- 
ested and have such a knowledge of the damage done 
by excessive loads that it seems to me that some load 
limitation at the present time is almost essential. A 
uniform traffic law might be a possibility. I believe 
that it is, and as an illustration I would say that, the 
Mississippi Valley Association of State Highway De- 
partments decided a few years ago upon certain load 
limitations which were thought to be fair for the Mis- 
sissippi Valley States. Such a uniform law was drafted 
or the governing provisions of such a law were agreed 
upon, and a number of our States have followed with 
the passage of such traffic laws. The Illinois law may 
be cited as illustrating the general provisions agreed 
upon. It provides for an 8-ton axle load as a maximum 
with 800 pounds per inch width of tire in contact with 
the road surface. We believe that it is better to specify 
the axle load than the gross load, inasmuch as an in- 
vestigation of figures submitted by truck manufacturers 
shows a variation of load on the rear axle of from 57 
to 93 per cent. - 


Modification of Contracts To Meet Present Conditions. 

W. R. NEEL, State Highway Engineer of Georgia. 

N presenting for consideration a new form of con- 
] tract I wish to remove, from the minds of everyone 
any suggestion or thought that I have devised a 
form of “ cost plus” under a new name. However, the 
“ cost-plus” contract when originally drawn embodied 
two fundamental principles, which were based on fair- 
ness to everyone: First, that the owner or beneficiary 
should pay the cost of the improvement; second, that 
the contractor effecting the improvement should be 
fairly compensated for his efforts. Recognizing these 
two principles, we have had as a result several forms 
of. contracts based on these fundamentals. The plan 
which provides for the payment of cost with a per- 
centage of whatever that cost might be to cover the 
compensation, commonly known as the “ cost-plus 
plan,” is in bad repute, and certainly the results of the 
use of this method during the late war have given 
everyone just cause for prejudice against it. In an 
effort to remove the incentive to an unscrupulous con- 
tractor to increase the cost, thereby increasing his 
profit, the cost plus a fixed fee was tried out and 
proved more satisfactory to the owner and also the 
conscientious contractor. 


My principal criticism of the “cost-plus fixed-fee 
plan ” is that there is no incentive for the contractor to 
keep down the cost of the work other than a desire to. 
secure a reputation for economical and efficient work. 
In public work where it is necessary to advertise and 
receive bids, thereby removing to a great extent the dis- 
cretionary powers of the public official in selecting the 
contractor, something more than is provided in these 
two forms of contract is needed. In attempting to em- 
body the two fundamental principles recognized by 
everyone as a basis for any contract, and at the same 
time perfect a contract more adapted to the execution. 
of public work, the Georgia Form “B” contract was 
written. . 

The original draft was submitted to a large number 
of experienced engineers and contractors and to legal 
talent and changed to meet the suggestions we thought 
worthy of consideration. Since initiating work under 
this form of contract other changes have been made to 
perfect its weak points, and in submitting it I am cog- 
nizant of the fact that it will probably be changed from 
time to time as experience in its use directs. 

In approaching the demand for a new form of con- 
tract in Georgia I was confronted with a constantly 
ascending scale of unit prices, each succeeding set of 
bids being a little higher than those preceding, until 
it was a question of either suspending the letting of 
new contracts or of devising a means of decreasing the 

cost of the work. I do not wish to place all the blame 
for the excessively high bidding upon the contractors. 
They in turn were under the fear and actual conditions 
of constantly ascending prices for material and labor, 
together with the uncertainty of freight rates, until 
no. one knew where he stood nor how to bid. It was a 
gamble, as the old form of contract always has been, 
with the odds heavily against the contractor, and, as 
a consequence, there was high bidding. Furthermore, 
everyone was affécted by the many uncertainties, and 
the bonding companies, realizing the greater risk, de- 
manded of the contractor higher bidding. On several 
occasions contractors have informed me after the bids 
had been rejected that they were willing to submit a 
lower bid but, could not secure a bond if they did so. 

It therefore appeared to me that in order to meet 
this situation it would be necessary for the State of 
Georgia to carry a large part of the risk, and, briefly, 
the actual use of the present form of contract imme- 
diately produced the desired results in decreasing the 
cost of the work to the State. . 


The use of this form of contract does not eliminate 
competition. The contractor in submitting his bid 
divides it into two parts—the estimated cost and the 
desired compensation. In order to have an incentive 
to keep down the cost the contractor is allowed 25 per 
cent of any saving on the estimated cost, provided it 
does not exceed 50 per cent of the total compensation 
in the proposal, and should the cost exceed the estimate 
50 per cent of this excess is deducted from the com- 
pensation, with the:provision that the compensation 
must not be reduced more than 75 per cent. Therefore 
the contractor is assured of at least 25 per cent of the 
compensation, as shown in his bid, for which he must 
furnish at his expense a superintendent and any over- 
head expense, such as the maintenance of his general 
the contractor to break even, with no loss other than 
that of his time. The contract also provides for a 
machinery and equipment rental, a form being pro- 
vided which must be filled out and which forms a part 
of the contract cost of work. However, the rental 
schedule is fixed, and only the interest on the value of 
the equipment is allowed, plus a fair compensation for 
depreciation, insurance, and estimated repairs. In this. 
way no profit can be made other than. that shown as 
compensation, and this amount varies with tle skill 
and zeal used in the prosecution of the work. Thus the 
minimum compensation obtainable by the contractor 
will be 25 per cent of the compensation shown in the 
bid, and the maximum will be the compensation shown | 

It is calculated that the 25 per cent will allow 


¢ . 

in the bid plus an additional 50 per cent of this amount. 
If the contractor should be so fortunate as to receive 
the maximum, the State should not begrudge him this 
additional compensation, as any additional compensa- 
tion means a saving of three times as much to the State. 
The cost of the work is paid by the State, which is 
required to pay promptly all bills in order to take ad- 
vantage of any cash discounts. A bonded accountant 
in the employ of the State makes up pay rolls and 
supervises the paying of all labor, etc. All materials 
are purchased by the purchasing agent of the State 
highway department, and the prices for all materials, 
f. o. b. railroad siding, are included in the proposal. 
In this way the only financing required by the con- 
tractor is in purchasing of equipment pertaining to the 
job and in paying the salary of his superintendent. 
This has resulted in the immediate delivery of all neces- 
sary materials for the vigorous prosecution of the work 
as soon as practicable after the awarding of the con- 
tract. : 

The contractor is called upon to furnish the neces- 
sary equipment and a skilled organization properly 
directed by an experienced and efficient superintendent. 
The elimination from the requirements of the con- 
tractors of practically all financing results in a con- 
siderable reduction in the compensation demanded by 
them, so that this is practically net profit to the State 
under this form of contract. 

At first thought it might appear that the compensa- 
tion of a contractor could be saved by an organization 
operated by the highway department, but analysis 
makes it evident that the item of compensation of a 
contractor, if conservative, would closely correspond 
to the operating expenses of an organization owned by 
the highway department, and, while it should not be 
the case, I am afraid in actual practice it would be 
hard to get supervision for a State contract in an or- 
ganization working on salary that would exert the 

same effort in construction as would a contractor, under - 

the Form B contract, where incentive in dollars and 
cents would be to keep the construction cost under the 
estimate. At the same time the estimate must be con- 
servative in order to meet the competitive feature. 

In addition to this objection to a State construction 
organization there would be the enormous investment 
in equipment which could only be used on State high- 
way work, whereas a contractor has for a field not 
only State highways within the State but in other 
States, as well as municipal, railroad work, ete. 


One of the first advantages in this new form of con- 
tract is that it permits honest contractors of small 



means to show their ability on a larger scale than 
would be possible under the old form, under which 
a surety bond is required for the full amount of the 
contract, which many contractors of small means are 
unable to make. At the same time the facilities for 
financing this Form B contract open a field for intelli- 
gent, honest bidders who would otherwise be unable to 
participate in a project of very great magnitude, except 
as subcontractors, although their ability might be ample 
to handle the project. 

A striking example of this is a recently completed 
concrete paving project. The successful bidders could 
not have financed a project of this extent under the 
old form of contract, and yet they have had charge of 
the construction of more miles of concrete pavement 
within the State than any other contractor. The result 
has been that 54 miles of 18-foot concrete pavement 
were laid in 34 months at a 15 per cent net saving on 
the contract as awarded. The contractors not only 
earned the compensation set forth in their bid, but an 
additional 50 per cent, the maximum amount permis- 
sible. The advertisement for the letting of this con- 
tract, as is our custom, called for bids under both 
forms of contract. The successful bid was on Form B, 
and was 24 per cent less than the next lowest bid, 
which was on the old form contract, and it therefore re- 
sulted in an actual net saving of practically 30 per 
cent under the Form B as against the standard form of 

One contract for concrete pavement is showing a 
saving of 11.3 per cent on first estimate. J*ederal-aid 
project No. 162, a grading job, shows a saving of 13.2 
per cent, and the work has been under way for more 
than three months. 

The contracts now under way in Georgia under the 
Form B plan amount to over $1,500,000, and a saving 
of a little over $20,000 has been effected in bond pre- 
miums alone, as a minimum bond is required under 
this form of contract. 

The supervision that is required under the Form B 
contract by the State requires a very high-class man, 
preferably one with experience as an inspector on the 
old form contract, and also experience as a contractor, 
or superintendent for a contractor. His duties are to 
watch for violations of the contract and to catch the 
‘leakage on the job. The former duty should be per- 
formed subconsciously, but most of his thoughts should 
be centered on methods to reduce the cost. The cost 
sheet tells him a very true story and should be kept 
up to date, so that he can see at a glance where he 
should put most of his attention. 

In my judgment this form of contract requires a 
more intelligent insight into construction details and 
a more thorough knowledge and analysis of costs by 
the engineer than the old form. 



Frederick S. Greene, State highway commissioner, 
New York: I can not conceive of any better way to 
encourage contractors to enter the highway field than 
by this cost-plus-fee arrangement. Highway contract- 
ing seems to be about as big a gamble as there is in the 
contracting field, and, furthermore, highway contract- 
ing as it has been conducted in the past is not a business 
which the large concerns care to go into. In 1919 sey- 
eral large companies that I know of started into the 
highway contracting business. I have since talked with 
officials of three of them with a view to letting large 
contracts and having two or three plants on the job, 
and they have told me that they have had enough of 
it; that they can not compete with the smaller con- 
tractor who does not have the overhead that a large 
concern must necessarily have. 

Many States would probably find that legal diffi- 
culties stand in the way of putting the plan into effect. 
Such would be the case at the present time in New 
York, but in my opinion any State in which the law 
will permit would benefit by using this form of contract. 


One weakness which occurs to me is the possibility 
of contractors entering into combination to raise the 
estimated cost of the job in order to profit on the ap- 
parent saving which would be attributed to the effi- 
ciency of the contractor. To prevent this the engineer’s 
estimate should be published and it should be under- 
stood that no bid would be received which overruns that 
estimate. It would be well, also, to have the engineer 
estimate the cost of a suitable plant, so that the con- 
tractor could not load down the job with surpius equip- 
ment. If, then, the engineer were to fix a reasonable 
time for the completion of the work and it were under- 
stood that plant rental would be paid only for the 
estimated reasonable period, there would be an added 
incentive for the contractor to expedite the work. 

With these changes made, the only stumbling block. 

I can see lies in the question as to what is to be done 
when the work overruns the estimated quantities. Ac- 
cording to the terms of the contract “any changes in 
quantities, whether increases or decreases, shall be com- 
puted and certified by the engineer at the unit prices 
quoted therein and the fixed compensation and rental 
of equipment increased or decreased in proportion.” 
That reads very simply, but I am afraid there would 
be difficulty in applying it. Take the case of rock ex- 
cavation, for example; in our State—and I presume in 
other States as well—we do not go to the expense of 
making borings to actually locate the rock. To do 
that would run the cost of surveys up to an enormous 
price. Really our estimate is merely a careful guess. 
Of course, it is a guess based upon the experience of 
men who are familiar with the general lay of the rock. 
But, in spite of that, rock excavation frequently over- 

runs or underruns, and in that case there is a question 
in my mind as to how to adjust the item of rock ex- 
cavation to the general fixed fee. It would seem to me 
to be a rather difficult proposition. That is the only 
question that I think is yet unsolved by this form of 
contract. J would prefer to have the contract written 
so that the contractor would share equally with the 
State in any saving he makes; but that, of course, 1s a 
matter of personal preference. 


W. F. Cocke, assistant commissioner, Virginia: 
Though I fully realize the difficulties under which con- 
tractors have been working for the last three years, and 

would be glad to see the development of a form of con- — 

tract which would minimize the unfair risk which con- 
tractors are now required to take, yet, at the same time, 
I think this proposed form of contract may develop a 
great many indeterminate items, which, under certain 
conditions, would lead almost inevitably to the courts. 
Taking care of the percentage of increase and decrease 
of rock excavation would of itself be a very intricate 
problem. I have had a good many years’ experience 
on railroad work in the, mountains and I have never 
seen two engineers who could agree as to percentage of 
solid rock. Another difficulty, which I believe we 
would encounter in my own State, lies in the fact that 
this form of contract would afford an opportunity for 
a great many inexperienced road builders to grasp the 
opportunity to go into business without a great amount 
of risk to themselves. I suppose the same condition 
exists in other States, but we have hundreds of men 
who have been inspired from their early youth to, tell 
everybody how to build roads, and a great many would 
flock to the construction game if they could go into it 
with the element of risk to a large extent removed. If 
we exhaust the supply of experienced contractors and 
fall back on this class I fear the public would suffer 


A. R. Hirst, State highway engineer, Wisconsin: We 
in Wisconsin have been very much interested in this 
form of contract which has been proposed by Georgia. 
One thing in the situation which would deter us some- 
what from adopting it is that the contractors have been 
contending for three years with a rising market. They 
are now getting the benefit of a falling market, and I 
know that the moment Wisconsin proposed to change 
to this form of contract they would accuse us of tak- 
ing away their chances of recovery. 

But I can not agree with the objection which has 
been raised on the ground that the new form of con- 
tract would give encouragement to inexperienced con- 
tractors. It is highly essential that we develop con- 
tractors, and the only way we can develop them is by 


encouraging them. They must be educated and the 
public will have to pay the bill. The only alternative 
‘is the development of large day-labor organizations, 
which I do not believe we should undertake. 

I am heartily in favor of encouraging the small con- 
tractor. I believe, as a general proposition, that the 
States that are going ahead on the basis that highway 
work requires large organization are making a mistake. 
An experience of very many years in highway work of 
all classes indicates that highway work, after all, is a 
small unit operation, and that a multiplication of those 
units in one place does not necessarily mean lower costs 
or increased efficiency. 

Frank F, Rogers, State highway commissioner, Michi- 
gan: We have had some small experience in this 
way, but not just exactly in the manner provided for 
by the proposed contract form. 
we have been unable to get satisfactory bids we have 
made arrangements with a contractor in whose business 
ability we had confidence, agreeing with him on an esti- 
mated cost of the work and agreeing to pay him cost 
regardless of whether it ran over or under the estimate. 
We have further agreed that he should have 50 per 
cent and the State 50 per cent of all that could be saved 
on the estimate. Up to date we have made a saving in 
every case. 

In some cases where 

Organization of a State Road Maintenance Department. 

J. N. MACKALL, Chairman, Maryland State Roads Commission. 

4 Pere State highway department of Maryland is prob- 

ably the only one in the country which does not 
maintain a maintenance department. Yet it is the be- 
lef of the writer that Maryland has at this time one 
of the most efficiently and satisfactorily maintained 
systems of highways in the country, and this is ac- 
complished without a maintenance department. In 
any event, the department is rendering a “ road serv- 
ice,” which, dollar for dollar, is undoubtedly the cheap- 
est in the country. This economical “road service” 
is possible partly because the State roads were built 
when materials and labor were very cheap, and partly 
because, regardless of how weak the road was in the 
first instance, it has been and is being maintained 
to-day in a highly satisfactory state of repair. 


The first question to arise, therefore, is, “ Why a 
maintenance department?” Is there not a tendency 
to-day toward overorganization rather than under- 
organization, and is not a State highway department 
a department of the State government, and is not this 
carrying departments far enough 4 

The principal argument which the writer has heard 
for a maintenance department as separated from the 
construction department is that, usually, good main- 
tenance men are poor construction men, and vice versa. 
To his mind no greater fallacy ever existed than this. 
What makes a man a good construction, maintenance, 
designing, financing, or even propaganda engineer? 
Is it not in the final analysis just plain “ horse sense,” 
plus experience, and will not the same “horse sense,” 
plus experience, which makes.a good maintenance engi- 
neer, also make a good combined maintenance and con- 
struction engineer? If he exercises good judgment as 
a construction or as a maintenance engineer, you may 
be assured that he will use the same good judgment in 
the combined positions. 

Another argument often used is that if maintenance 
is separated from construction the time, efforts, and 
enthusiasm are concentrated and not divided. En- 
thusiasm is, of course, necessary, but actually does not 
the man immediately in charge of any piece of work 
supply most of this, so it is not necessary that the heacl 
of department or even the subhead have it. The 
writer’s idea is that the judgment should come from 
the top, the enthusiasm from the bottom. 

One of the greatest assets, if not the greatest, which 
any highway department has is the confidence of the 
public, and no highway department can continue ionger 
than the public believes it is reasonably efficient and 
thoroughly honest, and, certainly, willing to listen to 
reason. If this is true—and we look for the greatest 
source of danger from this point—where do we find it? 
In the lack of cooperation, lack of understanding, and 
lack of appreciation on the part of, one or the other 
of the subdepartments as to what is proper construction 
and proper maintenance. It is impessibie to keep the 
knowledge of these conditions from getting to the pub- 
lic, and filtering through the public back to the depart- 
ment, and the writer believes that too often this does 
not come to the department until it comes through the 
public. Is it not a fact that soon the public comes to 
believe that both the construction and maintenance de- 
partments are right—right in their criticism of the 
other? Stop criticism in the department and you will 
stop criticism of the department. On the other hand, 
if maintenance is going to follow construction immedli- 
ately and consistently in the hands of the same man he 
will not say, nor permit anyone else to say, that the con- 
struction is not the best; that the alignments, grades 
and details of finish are not the best that could be ob- 
tained; and any defects which do exist will be cor- 
rected as rapidly and as satisfactorily as possible with- 
out criticism for their existence. In other words, the 
defects will be corrected, not criticized. 




There can be no economical lines of demarcation be- 
tween construction and maintenance; so why have any? 
Who will say that things are not done in construction 
which do not return 10 cents on the dollar, when the 
cost of doing similar work in the form of maintenance 
is considered? Consider, for instance, the one ques- 
tion of shaping shoulders, sloping banks, etc. 
work, done by the contractor, usually by hand, at a tre- 
mendous expense, is obliterated after the first rain. 
After this it is done with a road machine at probably 
less than 10 percent of the cost of the contractor’s 
handwork; yet who has ever seen a construction en- 
gineer willing to accept from a contractor a piece of 
road unless the shoulders and slopes from beginning to 
end were in perfect state of repair on the day of ac- 
ceptance, regardless of whether or: not this would last 
for one day or one week after the road is actually ac- 
cepted? The writer does not want to be understood as 
unfavorable to reasonably well-shaped shoulders and 
slopes, but they should not be done better than they 
can be maintained. Make no mistake, the ultimate con- 
sumer, the public, pays all the contractor’s bills and 
a profit on them. How, then, are many of the economic 
problems involving construction and maintenance 
going to be solved except from an intimate knowledge 
of both, and how is this to be had when the two depart- 
ments are kept separate? It can not be done. What 
is to be done as construction or left undone to be taken 
up as maintenance can only be determined by an inti- 
mate correlation of the two. 

- If it is remembered that the money, whether used for 
construction or maintenance, is the public’s money, 
and that the public is interested not at all in whether 
the work for which its money is spent is named con- 
struction or maintenance, but only in seeing that it 
receives 100 cents for each dollar expended, the sep- 
arate construction and maintenance departments will 
disappear. This seems to the writer, generally, a rea- 
son for not maintaining a maintenance department sep- 
arate from the construction department, and up to this 
point nothing tangible and definite in the line of saving 
of money has been touched upon: 


The writer beleves, moreover, that a large propor- 
tion of the overhead and traveling expenses can be 
eliminated by combining the construction and main- 
tenance departments, and that much duplication must 
and does exist where these departments are separate. 
The State of Maryland, for example, has constructed 
probably as many of its main through roads as any 
State in the Union. It has connected by an improved 
road every county seat in the State, and, in addition, 
every town of more than 1,000 people is connected with 

every other town of similar or larger size by an im-. 

proved road. maintained in almost perfect condition. 
Certainly, then, it would have less duplication of over- 

This | 

head and traveling expense than the States which have 
not completed their main line system, yet, even in 
Maryland, construction and maintenance go together 
so closely that it is impossible to inspect and supervise 


construction without at the same time going over main- ° 

In States where the main line 
are not completed, and where construction sec- 
tions.immediately adjoin maintenance sections, it is 
evident that expense can be saved by combining the de- 
partments, but it is equally true where the main lines 

tenance and vice versa. 


are completed, because new construction on the branch. 

lines immediately joins the main-line maintenance. 
The writer has reference only to connected systems and 
it is assumed that all departments are organized with 
hope and expectation of eventually having a connected 
system, if not now. Certainly, then, separate construc- 
tion and maintenance departments make for duplica- 
tion of effort which can only mean duplication of ex- 


Probably one of the most potent factors in arriving 
at the combined construction and maintenance depart- 
ment is the feature of reconstruction. ‘ Reconstruc- 
tion” is a word which probably should never have had 
a place in highway work. The werk called reconstruc- 
tion is really maintenance, and the cost of it should be 
charged against current receipts. Under a system of 
separate maintenance and construction organizations 
how is this reconstruction to be handled? By recon- 
struction the speaker means extensive reconstruction, 
essentially new construction, done by contract. For 
instance, why should the building of a sheet-asphalt 
top on an old macadam or concrete base be under the 
maintenince department and another section in the 
immediate vicinity, built on the identical specifica- 
tions but on a new base, be under the construction de- 
partment? | . 

To pursue the contrast further, take as an illustration 
the work Maryland has just done on a 50-mile section 
from Washington to Baltimore and on to Belair on 
the road to Philadelphia: This consisted in a few 
cases of replacing the 14-foot macadam with 20 feet 
of concrete. But in most cases it consisted, of the 
construction of a strip of concrete 3 feet wide on each 
side of the macadam, as was fully described in the 
September issue of Public Roads, which, no cloubt, 
some of you have read. Under Maryland’s system of 
financing, then, the work done on the 14-foot width of 
macadam was charged to maintenance and the addi- 
tional width of 6 feet to construction. With separate 
construction and maintenance organizations would all 
this work be done by the construction or the main- 
tenance department, or would each one have done its 
portion of the work? This may be an extreme case, 
but it demonstrates conclusively that maintenance and 
construction. are inseparable in execution. So why 
maintain separate organizations? 


eee Oe ee eee 



Having advanced the reasons leading up to the or- 
ganization of construction and maintenance work along 
similar lines, and having referred to the saving in over- 
head in connection therewith, the writer will perhaps 
be pardoned for citing the organization he is now main- 
taining as an example of the kind of organization 
which in his judgment will give the best results in both 
construction and maintenance. 


The State roads commission of Maryland as at pres- 
ent constituted consists of three members, of whom one 
is the chairman, and the law provides for a chief en- 
gineer and assistants. The commission, in organizing, 
selected the chairman as chief engineer, so that the 
authority and responsibility is concentrated at the top 
as much as possible. Under the chief engineer is an 
assistant chief engineer, who has such duties as are 
specifically entrusted to him by the chief pertaining to 
all phases of the work, including surveys, plans, con- 
struction, maintenance, and costs. In all his dealings 
he acts for the chief engineer and in his stead, so that 
all reports to him have the force of reports to the 
chief engineer.. Next in line of authority is the dis- 
trict engineer, there being seven of these in charge of 
the work in Baltimore city and 23 counties of the State, 
averaging a little more than 8 counties to a district. 
The district engineer, therefore, is really the first sub- 
division lower than the chief engineer, there being 
neither construction nor maintenance engineers in the 
department, and the district engineer, therefore, han- 
dles and is responsible for both construction and main- 
tenance in his district. 

The maintenance work is further divided, approxi- 
mately by counties, with a superintendent for each 
county. ‘The maintenance superintendents and con- 
struction inspectors are interchangeable, so that it is 
possible to fill the position of district engineer from 
within the ranks of the organization. The purchasing 
agent, working directly under the chief engineer, is 
responsible for the purchase and delivery of all mate- 
rials. The materials as required by the district engi- 
neer are requisitioned from the purchasing agent with 
specifications as to quality, time, and point of delivery. 
Centralized purchasing has always been desirable in 
that it stops competition for price and delivery within 
the department, but the difficulties in obtaining mate- 
rials and in their transportation during the last few 
years have demonstrated the absolute necessity for it. 

All requisitions are forwarded by the district engi- 
neer to the chief engineer for approval and order of 
delivery, and then transmitted to the purchasing agent, 
who places the order and effects delivery to the point 
of destination on the railroad or water, from which 
point the responsibility for ultimate delivery is with 
the district engineer. 


Maintenance, other than extensive reconstruction 
done by contract, is effected by the patrol system, sup- 
plemented by the gang system. The backbone of the 
maintenance system, however, is the patrolman, the 
man with the pick and shovel. It is the writer’s opin- 
ion that no road can be properly maintained without 
the patrol system, regardless of whatever else may be 
used. Properly maintained, as it is interpreted in 
Maryland, is perfectly maintained, so far as the surface 
is concerned. No hole of the smallest size is permitted 
to remain in any highway. By this system the depart- 
ment is rendering a most satisfactory road service on 
very low types of construction, and at a most reason- 
able figure when interest and maintenance charges are 
considered. It is, of course, necessary at times during 
the year, especially in the spring, to supplement the 
patrolman with a gang, which does small sections of 
resurfacing, cleaning of ditches and culverts, dragging 
shoulders, etc. ; but the gang does not relieve the patrol- 
man; it only supplements him. The gangs are under 
the direct supervision of the foreman in charge, but 
report to the maintenance superintendent in the dis- 
trict and he, in turn, to the district engineer. The 
gang is entirely independent of the patrolman, though 
the latter is at times employed in the gang. 

On numerous occasions it has been attempted to dis- 
pense with the services of the patrolman, but invariably 
it is found to be impossible properly to maintain the 
roads. One of the greatest difficulties with patrol 
maintenance is that the patrolman frequently works 
inefficiently. We have found it expedient to overlook 
a certain amount of loafing, which we recognize as in- 
evitable, because we hold firmly to the belief that the 
patrol system, in spite of the inefficiency of individual 
patrolmen, is a necessary adjunct to perfect mainte- 
nance. Whenever the services of the patrolman have 
been dispensed with, public-spirited citizens, true 
friends of the road movement in Maryland, have no- 
ticed that this has been done, and have noticed that the 
roads were not being maintained in their usual first- 
class condition. 

The speaker believes that there is as little loafing and 
unintelligent work done by the patrolmen in Maryland 
as any State in the Union. This, he believes, is largely 
due to the fact that whenever inspections are made, 
either of construction or maintenance work, the patrol- 
man comes under the eye of the inspecting officer, who 
is in authority on maintenance work. 


In conclusion, the organization of a combined con- 
struction and maintenance department prevents the 
dodging of responsibility. It concentrates in the hands 
of the district engineer undivided authority and undi- 


vided responsibility for the building of good roads, 
and maintaining them in perfect condition. It stops 
criticisms of bad construction, of bad maintenance, of 
things done and things left undone. It makes for a 
coherent absolutely loyal organization, free from the 
faultfinding and backbiting which results chiefly from 
the conflict of saparate construction and maintenance 


J. H. Mullen, chief engineer, Minnesota: I can not 
agree w:th the argument that there should be no State 
highway maintenance department. It is undoubtedly 
tiue that in a small State, having only 1,600 miles 
of arterial roads, of which practically all have been 
surfaced, the maintenance and construction work can 
be handled efficiently without separation. But these 
conditions do not prevail in many of the States, and 
for the reason that we do have such various govern- 
ing conditions in the several States, it would be very 
difficult, if not entirely impractical, to set forth a 
standard method of organization applicable to all. 

The organization of a State highway maintenance 
department is one of several highway problems which 
must be studied and worked out largely with reference 
to local conditions. Take, for instance, the organiza- 
tion in Maryland, which is described as being ideal, 
and upon analysis it would appear that this State high- 
way department is really in effect a maintenance or- 
ganization, and the small amount of construction neces- 
sary under the stated conditions could properly be con- 
sidered as incidental work, the same as grade separa- 
tions, material surveys, or other subactivities are con- 
sidered as being incidental to the maintenance and con- 
struction departments in other States. 

I do not wish to be understood as criticizing the 
Maryland organization. On the contrary, I have no 
doubt that it is the most effective that could be worked 
out to handle the local problem, which appears to be 
largely maintenance. But if that State should enter 
upon an extensive construction program I think it 
might be found advantageous to provide for a con- 
struction department within the organization. - 


Having departments of construction and maintenance 
does not mean complete separate organizations. They 
are both integral parts of the highway department but 
are each in charge of men specializing in the particu- 
lar branches of the work. I have received the greatest 
help in conducting the work in our department by 
having as principal assistants three experts, one in 
charge of road construction, one bridge construction, 
and one maintenance. These men sit in conference 
with me on all questions of specifications, engineering 
policy, or methods of work, acting really as an engi- 
neering council, and bringing out the best ideas with 


Efficiency is certainly the keystone in any organiza- 
tion. Combined construction and maintenance organ- 
ization makes for efficiency of funds in that a dollar 
does a dollar’s worth of work; efficiency of men, in that 
one man does what two would do otherwise; efficiency 
of results as reflected in Maryland’s 1,600 miles of roads 
maintained in perfect condition in 1920 for an average 
of $600 per mile. 


regard to all phases of the work. Under this plan 
there is no danger of domination by one branch of the 
work to the detriment of another, as might be when 
there is no separation. I have not found that this 
method leads to any dodging of responsibility or “ back- 
biting,” as described, for the engineers in charge of the 
three different branches are interested and feel a sense 
of responsibility for all of the work. However, if 
such a condition as mentioned should arise, it would 
be the duty of the chief engineer to institute a house 

The great advantage of having a maintenance depart- 
ment is in the efficiency brought about by specializing, 
a point which needs no elaboration in this meeting. 
This, however, has been demonstrated by experience 
in the Middle West, where for the last 5 or 10 years 
the States have been engaged in the construction of 
from 500 to 2,000 miles of new work each year, and 
also the maintenance of from 400 to 12,000 miles of all 
kinds of roads, ranging from common bladed dirt roads 
to the highest types of pavement. This is particularly 
true in Minnesota, the first State in the Mississippi 
Valley to consider maintenance as a State activity. 

I believe considerable credit for starting this work 
should be given to Mr. George W. Cooley, former State 
engineer of Minnesota, whom most of you know as a 
fine gentleman and a good roads pioneer. ‘Twelve years 
ago the State highway commission, of which Mr C. M. 
Babcock was then chairman, ordered Mr. Cooley to 
investigate road conditions in Europe, with a view to 
applying the results of the investigation to construction 
of roads in Minnesota. Mr. Cooley spent a year in 
this investigation and upon his return made a report 
to the commission that the desirable road conditions 
generally prevailing in Europe at that time were not 
due to construction methods but rather to an intensive 
system of patrol maintenance. Consequently there was 

established under Mr. Cooley’s direction a patrol system 

of maintenance in Minnesota which has continued since 
that time quite successfully under various methods of 
supervision, and, I am pleased to say, has been adopted 
in several of our neighboring States. 

The management of the work has been conducted in 
various ways since the State took charge. First, it was 
considered as a county proposition, then as a part of 
the miscellaneous work of the department, and during 

ee ee 


the last four years as a separate subdivision of the 
work. And now, in the light of our experience, we 
are satisfied that the latter method is most productive 
of results. As stated before, this does not mean com- 
plete separation but only a division within the high- 
way department. 


Tt seems to me that responsibility for each general 
branch of work should be definitely placed in a sub- 
division of the highway department charged with re- 
sponsibility for doing that particular work and given 
the authority to carry iton. Minnesota has just passed 
a constitutional amendment selecting from the 12,000- 
mile State road system a trunk highway system 7,000 
miles in extent. The trunk highways will be main- 
tained directly by the State and the remaining State 
roads wil be maintained by the counties under direc- 
tion of the State with State aid. Under this plan our 
work will be in charge of a maintenance engineer re- 
porting directly to the chief engineer and working in 
conference with the construction and bridge engineers. 
His department will aJso have in charge such matters 
as grade-crossing separations, rights of way, traffic 
census, etc. 

The State is divided into eight divisions, each having 
a division engineer who has control of all work in his 
territory and who will have as his principal assistant 
an engineer known as the road superintendent, whose 
duty it is to give personal direct supervision to the 
maintenance of the trunk highways. The construction 
work will be handled as before by resident engineers 
reporting directly to the division engineer. The road 
superintendent will have authority to employ such men 
and equipment as may be required to carry on the work 
and will have use of the excess war trucks and tractors 

now being employed for this purpose to very good ad- 
vantage. We have made it a policy not to purchase 
any considerable quantity of small tools, but to engage 
individuals at a stated rate including the use of tools, 
teams, wagons, etc. Heavier equipment, such as 
graders, tractors, tarring equipment, etc., is, of course, 
furnished by the State, excepting where the equipment 
of a county is employed on a daily rental basis. 


An outstanding difference in the construction and 
maintenance organizations is that the first is a contract 
organization, for we believe in contracting for all con- 
struction which can be figured on a unit basis, while 
the maintenance organization is almost entirely a hired 
force and does all miscellaneous day-labor work. 

The maintenance work in our State amounts to a 
great deal more than the name implies. We do not con- 
sider that maintenance is successful unless it brings 
about a substantial betterment of the road, and we 
class as maintenance all those minor improvements, 
such as shoulder surfacing, light regraveling, reshap- 
ing of roadway on earth roads, and even grading with, 
blade graders to natural contour those connecting 
roads which do not for the time being require con- 
struction. It is also the duty of the maintenance de- 
partment to mark the trunk highways and to mark 
and maintain suitable detours around construction 
work. In short, it is the duty of the maintenance de- 
partment to see to it that traffic is maintained con- 
tinuously over the highways in the most satisfactory, 
efficient, and economical way, which, in my judgment, 
requires direction by men who are specialists in that 
work and are not likely to become sidetracked on ac- 
count of other activities. 

Report of Committee on Use and Care of Federal’ Equipment. 

N developing a report on this subject the committee 
I agreed—first, that the report should quite properly 
go beyond the limits imposed by its title and in- 
clude reference to the receipt or acceptance of Federal 
equipment; and, second, that the report would be pre- 
pared and submitted without recourse to a second ques- 

The data compiled as of February 1, 1919, are perhaps 
of questionable value to-day. In each of those States 
represented by members of this committee, for instance, 
the year’s experience has indicated many weaknesses 
of policies previously tentatively adopted; has im- 
pressed certain fundamentals that will be herein re- 
ferred to, but has notwithstanding failed to eliminate 
all uncertainty as to the best method of disposing of 
this question. The older departments were able to 
meet the situation brought about by the allotment of 
Federal equipment with somewhat less confusion than 

were many of the newer organizations; but it is signi- 
ficant that even among the established organizations no 
uniform policy obtains. The first conclusion of this 
committee, therefore, is this: The acceptance, use, and 
care of Federal equipment is a matter primarily of 
local concern; the problem is one not susceptible of 
a single, uniform solution throughout the several 


This committee believes that too few of the States 
have asked seriously the question, Shall Federal equip- 
ment be accepted, and if so, for what use or distribu- 
tion? The exigencies of the occasion seemed to justify 
the haste with which allotments and shipments were 
handled by the bureau. But the enthusiasm of the 
moment engendered by the altogether human desire to 
get something for nothing has, in some instances, we 


believe, obscured the economics of the transaction. 
The result seems to be: 

(a) Some States now have a surplus of one or more 
kinds of equipment or materials, both desirable and 
usable, and a deficiency of other kinds; 

(b) ‘Some States have a supply of equipment and 
material wholly unsuited to their needs and require- 
ments, although in itself valuable and serviceable; 

(c) Many States have on hand material and equip- 
ment supplies that, because of its unfit condition or the 
lack of adequate funds for repair, or both, are alto- 
gether valueless to the States. 

The transfer of equipment between States might ap- 
pear to offer a solution of this difficulty, and did at 
first so appear to this committee. But such transfer is 
subject to the limitation of distance and is contingent 
upon agreement between the parties as to reimburse- 
ment for amounts invested. This committee believes 
that the transfer plan is not possible of broad applica- 
tion as long as the State seeking the equipment feels 
that it may be obtained direct from the bureau at a 
cost considerably less than that involved in transfer 
expense plus reimbursement to the State transferring. 
The points here suggested are: 

(a) The acceptance of miscellaneous equipment has 
placed a heavy financial burden upon many States; and 

(6) Amounts paid out (in freight, etc.) for unusable 

or undistributable equipment are likely to represent an 
actual and serious loss to the States, 

This committee, therefore, suggests the following: 

(1) That each State that has not already done so 
undertake an immediate determination of its present 
and future equipment requirements. Stich determina- 
tion involves a decision as to (a) ability and plan to 
finance the handling, and (6) plan of use -or redis- 

(2) That each State that has not done so inventory 
its present stock, segregating the desirable and usable 
from the undesirable or unfit. 

(3) That the bureau endeavor to ascertain and an- 
nounce the kind, quantity, condition, and value of sur- 
plus materials vet to be allotted. 

(4) That initial or additional shipments be accepted 
by the States only when the units can be put to eco- 
nomical use, in accordance with the principles herein 
noted, within a reasonable time. 

(5) That all undesirable or unfit units or supplies 
be disposed of by the States in whatever legal manner 
offers the greatest possibility of reimbursement. 

(6) That the bureau recognize the reasonableness of 
the plan of ultimate disposal by the States, as “ un- 
serviceable materials,” of such units or supplies as may 
for any reason be unusable or unsuited for the purposes 
of the State and not possible of redistribution within 
or without the State. Decision as to the “ unservice- 
ability ” 
representatives of the State and bureau. 


Acceptance of Federal equipment should be in con- 
formity with a definite policy as to use. If there is 
no present or immediate future use for the unit its ac- 
ceptance undoubtedly represents unnecessary expense. 

of units may be reached by agreement between 

This principle apparently has not been recognized by 
all the States. The possibilities as to use include: 
(a) Use by the State on day-labor construction or 


(6) Use by contractors engaged in State or other 
highway work. 

(c) Use by counties or other civil subdivisions of 
the State on construction or maintenance. 

This committee suggests that— 

(1) Wherever possible, the use of Federal equipment 
should be confined to State forces; and that when so 
used a proper charge should be made for depreciation 
so as to perpetuate the life of the unit. . 

(2) Use of Federal equipment by counties or other 
civil subdivisions of the State is less likely to lead to 
friction and disagreement when such use is on a basis 
of perpetual lease for which a lump-sum payment is 
made upon receipt of the unit by the lessee. ‘The pay- 
ment mentioned should very properly be sufficient to 
cover: Initial cost, if any; freight; loading, unloading, 
and reloading ; hoist, body, and other accessories; Over- 
hauling and repair, including supplies furnished ; plus 
a charg ge to cover overhead and unanticipated Federal 
claims. The perpetuation of equipment leased to coun- 
ties and cities is believed to be desirable but generally 

(3) Use by contractors should be confined to those 
engaged in State work unless distribution to other con- 
tractors is advantageous to the State in recovering 
funds. The use of trucks, tractors, and similar equip- 
ment by contractors should generally be on a monthly 
rental basis, determined so as to provide a depreciation 
fund, insure repair and maintenance, and protect the 
State against loss. The use of certain types of equip- 
ment or supplies not in general demand may be by 
perpetual lease under the terms of which the State o 
ceives a lump-sum payment in whatever amount is 
agreed upon, or at the price submitted by the high 
bidder following a request for “ proposals for use.” 



(1) Adequate provision should be made for housing 
all units found to be usable, pending use or distribution 
by the State. 

(2) If justified by the kind and number of units, — 
permanent repair quarters should be established and 
maintained with sufficient floor and storage space and 
sufficient shop equipment to care for the anticipated 
number of units. This involves policy as to (a) re- 
turning units to a central depot for repair, or (0) ) Tes 
pairing at the location of use. Since, however, it is 
presumed that a central receiving depot will be neces- 
sary, it appears desirable to maintain a permanent shop 
at such Seen 

(3) Spare parts, small accessories, and supplies 
should be inventoried and stocked in bins or other con- 
venient containers, listed and readily accessible. 

(4) Equipment ‘under “ perpetual lease” should be- 
subject to only such supervision by the, State as may 
be agreed to, giving due consideration to cost and ex- 

(5) Equipment rented to contractors on a monthly 
basis should be subject to supervision by the State, 

includes handling, storage, housing, mainte- 
and supervision. This committee suggests 


and all repairs should be made by or under the super- 
‘vision of the State. 

(6) Replacement of parts from State stock should be 
at prevailing market price for such parts. 

(7) Accurate records of distribution and of handling 
and operating costs should be maintained. 

(8) Whenever the volume of equipment business 
justifies such policy, a separate mechanical division 
should be established, with appropriate responsibility 
for use and care. 

(9) All agreements or understandings as to use and 
care of equipment rented or leased should be in writing. 


Obviously the details involved in this subject are so 
numerous as to permit of endless discussion and the 
preparation of a most voluminous report. One State 
is interested in the matter of housing, storage, and 
repair in all the possible subdivisions of the subject. 
Another is concerned with the organization of a me- 
chanical department, and still another with a deter- 
mination of rental rates. This committee recognizes 
the futility of attempting a discussion of and recom- 
mendations regarding the many phases of the matter. 
It may be safely assumed that individual departments 
are able to develop detailed plans for the conduct of 
this activity. This committee, then, offers in conclu- 
sion the following brief summary of principles and 
recommendations, the observance of which it is be- 
lieved will lead more readily to workable details of 

(1) Acceptance of initial or additional shipments of 
Federal equipment should be contingent upon a pre- 
determined policy of financing and upon known re- 
quirements of State use or possibilities of redistribu- 
tion. Acceptance of equipment for other than State 
use should be, preferably, by previous requisition of 
proposed user. Uncertainty as to ultimate disposal of 
units and recovery of funds invested should be elimi- 
nated in so far as thoughtful planning can effect such 
elimination. The amounts charged for rental or lease 
are purely of local determination. “ Perpetual lease ” 
agreements may properly consider matters of alto- 
gether local expediency. . 

(2) Unusable equipment on hand should be promptly 

disposed of to the best advantage. _ 

» (3) The use of Federal equipment, by other than the 
State is very likely to lead to friction and loss. When 
use is by civil subdivisions of the State the “ perpetual 
lease” plan appears to be most satisfactory; but an- 
nual or other deferred payment plans are of question- 
able value. All rental and lease agreements must be 
definite as to terms and provisions regulating, to what- 
ever extent is agreed upon, the use and care. 

(4) Responsibility for the care of Federal equipment 
must generally be assumed by the State, except in cases 
of perpetual lease, when the agreed extent of responsi- 
bility may be assumed by the lessee. Efforts to per- 
petuate the life of leased equipment represent com- 
mendable recognition of accepted business conduct, but 
may lead to friction and embarrassment. Such a policy 
must be weighed against local conditions and _ possi- 

(5) The management of this division of work should 
follow usual good management procedure, with definite 
policies, plans, supervision, and records. 


(6) The bureau should exercise only such supervision 
of equipment allotted as is required by law. 

Respectfully submitted. 

Joun N. Epy, 

Roxtien J. Winprow, 

For Committee on Use and Care 
of Federal Lquipment. 
Wasuinoton, D. C., 
December 13, 1920. 


R. J. Windrow, State highway engineer, Texas: The 
report was prepared by the chairman after some 
correspondence with the other members of the com- 
mittee. There is only one point I wish to stress, and 
that is that we must evolve some plan for disposing 
of the equipment that has been received by the States 
which is either in unserviceable condition or unsuited 
for the particular needs of the States. It seems that 
no definite policy has been evolved for handling that 
problem. We have discussed it by correspondence, and 
it seems the law is not entirely clear, but in my opinion 
we have enough leeway under the present law to dis- 
pose of that equipment so we can reimburse the States 
for the expense to which they have been put in securing 
it. In Texas we have received quite a large amount of 
equipment that, from the description we had in ad- 
vance, appeared to us would be serviceable. Some of 
it was found upon receipt to be entirely unserviceable 
for our particular needs. Some of it was received in 
unserviceable condition. We have a large amount of 
such equipment on hand for which we have paid 
freight, loading, and storage charges, and it is neces- 
sary for us to be reimbursed for that expense in some 

Thos. H. MacDonald, chief, Bureau of Public Roads: 
We have had frequent inquiries from the States as 
to the policy of the bureau with reference to disposal 
of this equipment. The only policy that can be enunci- 
ated is that of following the law providing for the 
distribution of this material, which makes it very clear 
that no material in serviceable condition can be sold. 
The disposal of the material can not be authorized by 
the bureau, but should be carried out under the State 
laws governing the disposal of public property of any 
other kind. The title of the equipment after it has 
been delivered rests in the States, not in the Federal 

‘There is, of course, the question of good faith. ‘The 
War Department has insisted, in turning over this 
equipment, that it should be used for road-building 
purposes. Representations have been made to the com- 
mittees of Congress which passed the legislation that it 
would be so used. The only question which has been 
raised by the bureau with any State, so far as I know, 
has been to ask for information where the disposal of 


equipment has been brought to our attention, either 
through the agencies of the War Department or 
through the Department of Justice. Such inquiries 
have probably been initiated by manufacturers of the 
equipment or manufacturers of similar equipment who 
had expected to make sales that were not made because 
of the disposal of such equipment by the States. In 
. order that we may be able to answer such questions in- 
telligently and honestly, we have requested that com- 
plete records of all property disposals be kept by the 

In general we have taken the position that the title 
to the property distributed rests in the States; that dis- 
posal of it should be made under the State laws govern- 
ing the disposal of any other State property, and that 
a clear statement should appear on the records of the 
commission or the department as to the procedure fol- 
lowed in making the sale or declaring the equipment 
unserviceable. So long as we adhere to this policy and 
keep faith with the Congress which made available 
this equipment; so long as the equipment we dispose 
of is actually unserviceable I can seen no reason why 
there should be any question raised; but if any bad 
faith is manifested, there might be considerable 

As a guide in determining whether a particular piece 
of equipment may be regarded as unserviceable, I may 
add that the War Department defines as “ unservice- 
able” any equipment upon which it would be necessary 
to expend more than 30 per cent of the cost price to put 
it in operating condition. The Solicitor of the Depart- 
ment of Agriculture has broadened this definition, in 
his interpretation, to include as “ unserviceable ” equip- 
ment which is unsuited to the road-building require- 
ments of the State departments. 

M. L. Shade, commissioner, South Dakota: I have 
been informed by those in a position to know that there 
is a large number of trucks and tractors yet to be de- 
clared surplus and probably a large amount of other 
machinery. As a word of caution, it occurs-to me, 
therefore, that if we proceed to dispose of the equip- 
ment which is not useful or serviceable to us and the 
manufacturers make a concerted complaint about it, we 
might be prevented from receiving any aaditional 
equipment that is available or that will be available in 
the next few months, and thereby lose more than we 
would by accepting the unserviceable equipment. 

A. R. Hirst, State highway engineer, Wisconsin: We 
are finding in Wisconsin that another word of cau- 
Bon is necessary. We were entitled to receive about 

500 trucks. We intended to save 200 of them for our 
own use with the idea that we would charge enough for 
their use by contractors on our own work to cover the 
depreciation and repairs, so that at the end of their use 
we would be able to buy 200 additional trucks. We 
have been operating under such a plan for a year and a 
half, and as a result we found about a month ago that 
we have not only not collected enough rental to cover 

the depreciation, but that we actually have not enough » 

to place the trucks in condition for next year’s use. 
And we find ourselves in this condition despite the fact 
that our rentals have been as high as any State would 
charge. Asa matter of fact, we have reached the stage 
where our mechanical man says he will not furnish 
trucks to the contractors and the contractors say they 
will not have them. 

Especially in the Northern States, where work is 
closed down four or five or six months of the year, I 
doubt whether the trucks can be rented for enough to 
really depreciate them, and I am just interjecting this 
as a word of caution to the States that are planning 
to rent the trucks. 


Clifford Older, chief highway engineer, Illinois: Our 
experience has been somewhat at variance with that 
of Wisconsin. We have received a large supply of 
equipment, and in the main it has been serviceable 
and has been kept in useful service by the State. 
Up to the present time the value received from the use 
of the trucks and other equipment has not only pro- 
vided sufficient funds to keep the equipment in repair 
but to yield some surplus, not sufficient to depreciate 
the material entirely, but sufficient to keep it in service. 
I feel that although the equipment may not be put to 
such service as to provide a revenue sufficient to main- 
tain an equal amount of equipment for an indefinite 
period, yet we are serving a very useful purpose in get- 
ting as much value out of it as possible, considering 
the character of the equipment. To state that this is 
not possible with the trucks is equivalent to stating 
that a truck is not a useful piece of machinery on che 
highway, or that it is impossible for us to administer 
the use of the equipment in a useful manner. We 
have succeeded, as I have said, in actually renting 
these trucks for enough, which is either paid in cash to 
our department or in the way of deductions from con- 
tract prices, to pay for the freight, unloading, and 
handling of all the equipment received, and in addition 
to put up our building, which, of course, should not 
be charged entirely to the rentals received to date, and 
still we have a surplus. 

As to the adaptation of the equipment that is received 
in serviceable mechanical condition, but is not useful in 
the work of the particular State by which it is received, 
it seems to me we should give a thorough trial to the 
plan of exchange before deciding to dispose of the 
equipment by sale, and thus possibly raise some ques- 
tion with the War Department. We have received some 
equipment that we would perhaps have refused as un- 
serviceable if we had had a complete description of it. 
However, all such equipment that we have listed with 
the Bureau of Public Roads for exchange has been ex- 
changed. We now have some additional equipment, 
that we do not believe we can use, but we are in cor- 
respondence with the bureau and believe that can be 
exchanged for an equal value of equipment that is not 
im service in the State where first received, but which 
we can use to good advantage. I believe we can go 
a long way toward the disposal of that class of equip- 
ment ‘through the bureau as a clearing house. 

a bee ee | ee 




8 2 v7 8 | 38 v7 
s a 22 5 a : =| er 2 $ 5 
+. oJ 
7 Typeofcon-| 26 z “4 2 |Typeofcon-| %&, 4 
tate. * County. 4 struction. SF = | State. @ County. 4 | struction. 8 a ee a 
i : bee | B : | a | 3 
= es) [oO DB Es Bg | i) 2 D i 
a 4 q cs oa ay 4 ae: 3 & 
Alas sul Clay... 2.5 14.700) Gravel...... Dec. 13 1$342, 070. 71/!$171, 035.35 || N.Y-..| 102) Chemung 7.800, Reinforced | Dec. 22 | $444, 600. 00) $155, 610. 00 
Ue BUASS oo oe 2,056, Asphaltic | Dec. 7 | 1108, 340.82) 154,170. 41 and Tioga. | concrete. 
concrete. 104, Tompkins}; 11.100...-.. (ae 4a SOC sec8 444,000.00} 222, 000. 00 
94) Wilcox.... 284, 698.57| 142, 349. 28 | and Cay- 
95| Tuscaloosa 545, 545, 88) 272, 772. 94 uga. 

: 96| Hscambia . 359, 706. 87| 179, 853. 43 105) Wyoming.) 9.500) Concrete....| Dec. 13 | 541,500.00) 189, 525. 00 
Ariz...:| 22! Navajo... 15, 958. 80 7, 979. 40 || N. Dak.| 111! Bottineau.!........ Bridge: ....-. Dec. 16 16, 500. 00 8, 250. 00 
ATK i 23) Jackson... 136, 107.10) 120,000.00 | 113) La Moure. 8.000) Earth....... Dec. 13 36, 960. 00 18, 480. 00 

55} Prairie... - 1 25, 184.73] 116, 000.00 | 118) Mountrail.| 11.000)...-. doseeeecclae- ra Koy 50, 820.00} 25, 410. 00 
: face treated. 122} Ransom...} 10.000)....- GOreseees ls POOR soi 44,990.00) 22, 495. 00 
116! Pulaski...) 2.330) Bituminous.| Dec. 17 48, 274.49} 21, 000. 00 132} Mountrail.| 6. 000)....- G0ss-555 Dec. 31 37,950.00) 18, 975. 00 
124| Craighead.) 7.690) Macadam-...| Dec. 16 75,622.40) 25, 000. 00 1B ees Lol 12; 000|Seeee dOxerane Sdomsc 55, 440.00} 27, 720. 00 
Colo..- 87| Boulder...| 1.334) Concrete....| Dec. 13 57, 587. 38} 26, 680. 00 134, Williams 2.500]... .. do@eseee se Dec. 22 18, 425. 00 9, 212. 50 
185) Garfield...) 1.270] Earth....... Dec. 16 64, 964.72} 25,400.00 || Ohio...| 107) Warren...| 36.865) Bituminous | Dec. 28 | * 187,000.00) 393, 500. 00 
Wace. -. 31) Hamilton .| 11.861} Bituminous | Dec. 22 | 458,129.11] 229, 064.55 | | macadam. 
macadam. yea | 111} Delaware .| 37.420) Concrete....; Dec. 16 | #312,000.00| * 60,000. 00 
Gaee.- AST PMRADUNE cola cn =e Bridge: <.<.- Dec. 4 95, 531.42} 28, 659. 42 143) Logan..... 35. 600). ...- (6 Koved pee cs ee Ose oe 3 248, 000.00) 3 85, 000. 00 
205) Effingham| 4.218} Sand-clay..-.| 31, 213.60} 10,000.00 | 152) Coshocton.| 3 4. 043)..... dose Id Os. 3 192,000.00) 357, 000. 00 
208) Terrell....| 8.000)| Dec. 13 | 55,037.62) 22, 500. 00 | 190, Madison...| 9,994) Kentucky | Dec. 22 | 328,500.00) 150, 000. 00 
Kans... 74| Chase..... 8.620) Earth....... Dec. 16 68, 687.03! 25, 860.00 | rock as- 
75| Dickinson. - 500) Concrete....) Dec. 18 23, 399. 20 7, 500. 00 | phalt. | 
Md vee. 41) Garrett....| 1.990) Earth....... Dec. 24 44,137.50} 22,068.75 || Okla 39| Carter.....| 16.000) Gravel, sur- | Dec. 20 340,000.00) 170,000. 00 
43| Prince . 500} Asphalt... - | Dec. 4 22, 068.75} 10, 000. 00 || face treated. | | 
George. | Oreg.. 48| Harney...| 10.460! Macadam...| Dec. 16 | 171,192.34) 75,596.17 
44) Kent...... . 950} Concrete...) Dec. 24 39, 138.00} 19,000.00 || Pa...-. 88] Indiana...| 2.688] Concrete....| 241,760.13) 53, 760. 00 
45| Baltimore. 2.040) Earth....... hese Ke ses aoe 30, 030.00) 15,015.00 || S.C... 91) Kershaw... 8. 875| Sand-clay...| Dec. 22 76,145. 86) 38, 072. 93 
46) Somerset..| |. 710)... .- do......./... do..... 21,037.50) 10, 518.75 || S.Dak.| 67} Clay.-..... 13,040) Earth.._.... Dec. 24 | 87,725.00) 43, 862. 50 
47, St. Mary’s.| 4.440) Gravel......). ~-d0..... 86, 350.50) 43, 425. 25 68} Charles | 4.300) Gravel......]... dot. 39, 792. 50| 19, 896. 25 
Mich... 55] Berrien...) 2.847) Concrete....| Dec. 13 | 125,756.67] 56, 940. 00 : Mix. 
50) Monroe....| 13, 034)... -. do-----.- Dec. 22 | 688,719.35} 260,680.00 || Tex....| 121] Grayson...|  7.370)....- dosseeeae Dec. 16| 101,938.06] 33,333.34 
Minn.. 173| Dodge..... 3.980) Gravel...... Dec. 13 44, 326. 70 5, 000. 00 || ial snl. 9,900! ....- rakes Dee. 24} 138,015.08} 30,000. 00 
177, Ramsey... 2.500} Bituminous | Dec. 31 | 159,544.71) 50,000.00 | 178| Hays.:...- 16.790) 2-2 - dozen: --do...../ 101,534.60} 30,000. 00 
‘ concrete. | 219| Valverde..| 5. 250)...-: dOb-teeae Dec. 16 | 203,398.14; 101,699. 07 
Miss.... 90} Benton....| 27.700) Earth....... Dec. 22 | 258, 898.75! 120,000.00 || 222) Milam..... TRaRBO|e cone £50) sek Sle Dec. 13 124, 564.00) 62, 282. 00 
IMOe ee 166) Vernon:. Su). 2>-2e.8 Bridge...... Dec. 7 22,000.00) 11,000. 00 |} 225| Trinity_...| 17.800)..-.- Goma Dec.*16 | 200,915.55} 50, 000, 10 
167; Bates... .. 14. 200; Chat........ Dec. 16 | 280,066.60) 140, 033. 30 226) Jeff Davis.| 7.216) Earth....... Dec. 4 23,981.93) 11,99). 82 
168) Jasper..... 6.000} Gravel...... Dec. 22 31,200.00) 15, 600. 00 }: 228; Johnson...| 12.000) Gravel, bi- | 333, 953.18) 100, 000. 00 
169/55 C0s--ee a 7. 000}... -: GOesceeee Dec. 22 29,400.00) 14, 700. 00 tuminous 
U7olebolaskies see sacs Bridge sesc.- Dec. 13 34, 375.00) 17, 187. 50 surface 
N. Mex 60; San 3 i- | 21.700} Gravel...... Dec. 7] 108,055.20) 54,027.60 229 TomGreen.| 4.000) Bituminous } 112,697.86) 57,318.93 
guel. surface. | 
N: Y---} 791 Hamilton.| 8.000} Bituminous | Dec. 13 | 320,000.00) 160,000.00 || Utah...} 15) Iron.......|......-- Gravel...... Dec. 22 | 4147,853.29 473,923.40 
macadam. SWAN ARE Joye yale Le She 3 reel asa GOme roms aletsenn eater }4110,880.00 454,419.00 
93} Genesee...| 4.900) Concrete....; Dec. 8] 279,300.00) 97,755.00 Millard. 
95) Hamilton..! 27.600) Bituminous | Dec. 13 |1, 104,000.00) 522,000.00 || Wash..| 81) Skamania AZO) Barthes cens Dec. 18 47,52).00 3, 190.00 
96) Genesee...| 9.300} Reinforced | Dec. 6] 530,100.00) 185, 535. 00 and Klick- 
concrete. itat. 
98} Steuben...| 8. 500)...-- Oe ee. ---do.....| 484,500.00) 169, 575. 00 82) Kittitas:.-| 1. 280)-2..- dOveese i) WCCr 24 63.487 88 .23,.600.00 
100} Chautau- 3.100; Concrete....| Dec. 13 | 124,000.00! 62,000.00 || W. Va..} 105) Jackson... - 990! Concrete....| Dec. 11 28, 700.00 11,350.00 
101) Schuyler.-; 3.400} Reinforced | Dec. 22 | 193,800.00) 67, 830.00 | 
1 Revised statement. Amounts given are increases over those in the original statement. 3 Withdrawn. 
2 Revised statement. Amounts given are decreases from those in the original statement. 4 Decrease in mileage. 
1 : ny iy $ 
E ee Pay oreia| 
fe 4 ond ro) : é q so 5) 5 
5 g | Type of con * Bp 3 3 z gq | Type of con = & 3 3 
=| - & ® 3 i pe of con- “A 2 3 
State. | @ | County. a Seiouions 2 = a State. | “* | County. a a UrnCeloM. “A 3 3 
& :) Sa 5 5 3 Yo 28 5 5 
S q 2) S oS co A > 3 3 
oO o q n od a ro) = =| n i) 
oI 4 Au cI i) an 4 o ca} _ 
APIO RE £25) PPinalora:.<lneewcn et Gravel...... Nov. 20} 1 $20, 916. 55) 1 $10, 458, 28 |) Fla..... See ueGURS SOE | semeaatiee Bridge. ....- Dec. 2)! $212, 316. 39)! $106, 158. 20 
Ark.:.:| 17 |\Craighead.|...2---- Water-bound| Nov. 30} 112,822.15} 18, 000.00 and Gads- 
macadam. den. 
20 | Franklin..| 23.520) Gravel....-.. Dec. 14! 222,133.83} 107, 000. 00 31 | Dade.....- 25. 475| Chert......- DGC ro) eal LOA Skouilecses teres ae 
27 | Colum bigve|-so0-. chlo. soc do.......| Dec. 21) 135,957.43) 117,000. 00 131 | Jackson...| 7.074) Sand-clay...| Dec. 4/ 95,511.83) 47, 755.61 
ZS Ob. gi TATClS| oro marcello ee dors ret Decy tll ee ace. 120,000.00 || Idaho..} 244] Twin Falls} 7.000) Concrete....| Dec. 30) 301, 442.75) 140,000. 00 
ERY pa ls iitetoy hell (es Ses Gravel mac- | Nov. 30]....-.....-- 13, 500. 00 27 | Payette 16.720] Gravel.....-. Dec. 20} 193,931.38] 96, 965. 69 
and adam. 30A| Power..... TAN OG IE £2 O,-<<---| Dec. 18} . 116, 240.96) ..58, 120. 48 
Desha. 40 | Washing- | 18.596} Sand-clay...}] 187,354.54) 93,677. 27 
50 | Phillips...| 7.940) Bituminous | Dec. 30] 224,565.00) 36, 800. 00 ton. 
concrete on Ind....| 164} Lawrence.| 11.191} Concrete..-.| Dec. 6 | 448,799.17} 223. 280.00 
concrete Kans...| 83C} Bourbon..| 3.160) Bituminous | Dec. 10 32, 619, 46 9, 480. 00 
base. macadam. 
66 | Little] 34.140} Gravel.....-. Dec. 11) 121,222.48) 65, 000. 00 40A-] Crawford..} 9.085} Earth and | Dec. 3 304,923.17} 58, 285.00 
River. F brick or 
67 dpe Sohn LONOS0|S rex fe S ateue he cin 102, 007. 85 x . iG 00 an concrete. ’ 
TD Yor. GO: cose o's|2 ss Coe tu Gravel mac- CC mek eee a ceeeont= . 00 9 / 
aves , 30B|f----40----- 5. 033| Barth.......].-. do. 96, 056.99] 25. 165. 00 
87) Pope.....- edad cp pera 3 as a pee oe boB|y4nderson.) 7.597] Gravel...... Dec. 10 | 242,417.72) 75, 500. 00 
109 | Baxter....| 6.820) Water-bound} Dec. 31) 54,506.85} 20, 000. 00 pes 
macadam 2 : 3 p 
114 Lonoke...| 2,840 Gravel...... Dec. 11] 22 249.37 7, 800. 00 66C Crawford..| 11.269) Earth....... Dec. 3 167,966.16) 56, 345,00 
Colose-einti2)|carks.s- -- B7OS|> aes dole Dec. 24] 28,197.84] 14,098.92 66D 
120 ' Jefferson..! 1.273! Concrete. ...! 59,564.42) 25, 460.00 

1 Modified agreements. 

Amounts given are increases over those in the original agreement. 

2 Decrease in mileage. 


PA : A q i 
= 3 2 3 o3 g 
: =| bos 2 cs ; A @ §, J 
ct 7 q Type of con- ® & S es Stat z ‘Count A Type of con- A g ‘S 
State. | © County. a Struction, | ° » 2 = 3 EC. a 5. HOUR y. & struction. Be = | 
s be 28 E 5 Es % 3g g 5 
E 3 e a 3 : g eA 77 3 
ay 4 Bf eS cs a 4 a a & 
Kveceeee 11| Trigg.....| 17.674) Gravel Dec. 8 | $336,660. $4] $168, 330. 42 || Tex....] 39] Dallas.....)........ Concrete...) Dec: 23. lz. -scteoetee 1 $17, 124. 38 
21| Meade..... 13.566] Earth....... Dec. 10 | 149, 308. 92 654. 46 89| Wood....- 9.830} Gravel....--]..- do...-| $64,394.24) 22,000.00 
18 re 12B| Ascension. - 950] Gravel...... Dec. 8 11, 382. 80 5, 691. 40 46B] Gillespie.-| 9.990]... - Omen sa) orc do....| 92,137.91] 32,320.00 
19} St. Landry; 11.310) Sand-clay Dec. 1] 187,344.77 93, $72. 38 53C} Jefferson..} [1.920] Sheet as- | 69, 213.27) 34,606. 63 
27A| Rapides...| 8.000) Gravel...... Dec. 2| 122,452.26) 61,226.13 : phalt. 
60| Lafourche AOU sees do.. Dec. 27 99, 334. 71| 49, 667. 2 92) HO0d ss. (0. er ece Barth foc. -cteee GOS 5225.22 eee 1 20, 066. 03 
and Terre- 109] Schleicher |........ Gravel.....- Dec. 20 | 147,032.68} 130,366.52 | 
bonne. 128B] Montague.| 11. 767|....-..- iL Ors eee ree do..--| 112,907.50) 56,453.75 
68| Caddo.....| 9.500) Bituminous | Dec. 8 371,102.72} 185, 551.36 145} TomGreen]........ Water-| Dec. 23] 346,258.26] 110, 208.16 
concrete on bound 
stone base. macadam 
73| St. Martin.| 5.600) Gravel.....- Dee. 8 81, 013.93] 40, 506. 96 surface 
238) Lafavette.|- 1.130)... .-do....... Dec. 27 | 115,455.87) 17, 727.94 : treated ~ 
Me..... a | SP Enopsegs | Soe eecle eae GOs Dec, 22| 16,760.21) 13,380.10 153 | GEV ANOES Se rojetel| aetaraic=ei Gravel......]... dOssaah2. caer aes 1 11, 500. 00 
9] Cumber- |.:2....- Concrete. .--}.-. (oto ypp 3 28, 582.21) 11,494.35 LOO SUC Dyce. n| ate coe eee do...--.}| 138,287.98! 130,385.42 ¥ 
land. 135| Schleicher Wi see es|eenee do... -<2/5.-d0....)|) 1:28;456. 94)" 2 14, 228. 47 
15) Penobscot 7.440] Bituminous | 277, 630. 46) . 138, 815. 23 162| Potter...-| 14.730); Gravel .-do....-| 542,182.08] 200,000. 00 
macadam. surface 
Pole ot cata eee a A. 080}....- Gov seenines 168, 751.73] 81, 600. 00 ‘ treated 
28| Sagadahoc USSiCiss ce GO zoe ee Ke 44, 338.41} 22, 169. 20 169} Dickens...| 7.560} Gravel...... Dec. 20 38, 236.94 19,118.47 
Mideesoe Oto see tee she . 551] Concrete 120, 481. 64{ 111, 020. 00 173] Travis.---| 6.040] Gravel, | Dec. 100, 650.04) 46, 299. 02 
9A| Frederick:} 1.200]....- Osta ctleee ate 7 548. 75| 13,774.38 surface 
T2G) Caroll nae ees eee eee Ol feneu : 129 127.60} 17, 260.39 treated : ' 
26B| Baltimore.| 2. 400)... .- dow oe: 81, 123.79) 40, 561. 89 he ieee BAnore ne Soke ae poe 20 eee 02 gi’ ie a1 
; : 8 astrop... LOO! tens CO bee etal erst esas : ‘ 
Mass...| 36C| Barnstable] 8,043) Bituminous 172, 261.03} 86, 130. 51 ior AVM he pa beens ane eae a ae a 8” 039. 53 
i concrete. 193} Bexar..... 6.200] Gravel, sur- | 124 609.07} 58, 168. 43 
Mich...] 33A] Alcona....| 12.866] Gravel and 199, 144.60} 98, 143. 69 face treated. 
B concrete. E 195) Walls2..2-. 6.780} Gravel, bi- | Lec. 20 | 160,599.91} 80, 000. 00 
41} Oakland..} 10.047| Concrete. --.- 556, 923. 29} 200, 940. 00 tuminous. : 
Minn®.:| 58) Noples:... 12.32... - =o). Sarr CG Wedel bene eaeeee 16,000.00 || Utah 5} Boxelder.-|_....... Bituminous | Nov. 30 | 154,822.48) 127, 411.24 
90| Rock..-.-... 7.020) Gravelecasas 68, 269. 43) 25, 000. 00 concrete. c 
Od lb Oli ete cls. Se eee GO rete 2: eed Omens See ehsoreee 116, 000. 00 Lay eC. Olea tone 412 = Omarion Dec. 31 19, 283. 47 8,080.00 
136] Beltrami..} 2.970}....- (kee Gore ae 18, 520. 86 9,000.00 || Va..... 32| Fairfax....| 1.726] Bituminous | 194, 597. 52| 147, 298.76 
170} Mille Lacs.| 17. 639]....- Ghiysegaae 254, 522.60) 127, 261. 30 macadam. 
176) Ltascaz =.) > 7.400)0-223 dovsee 45, 729. 24) 10, 000. 00 43} Albemarle| 7.300) W ater- | Sept. 25 | 214,475.86] 107, 237.93 
PShi Wacksoner. tt = uses GORA sona ars Orerclie SE latte 2 17,635, 51 bound 
186] Hennepin.| 3.800) Earth....... 51,215.17) 15, 298, 20 macadam. 
ite ee, Koln ee NS 15420) GOs. ee 10, 072. 30 4, 900, 00 61A| Augusta...) 2.225) Bituminous | Dec. 28 68, 114. 80] 34, 057. 40 
197} Dakota 910! Bitulithic.. 47, 251.35) 18, 200. 00 macadam. 
Miss...| 31) Alcorn 3.194] Gravel...... 43, 832.74) 21,916.37 || Wash..| 26) GraysjJ........ Concrete....| Nov. 4] 119,800.00} 19,900.00 
AQ) “Monroe =| 5.2 20 SiC os (COs sracee 13,182.58) 11,591. 29 Harbor. a 
Mont...| 95B| Hill....... 1043201 ..ee5 donewe-- 89,413.54) 44, 706.77 38\iClarkGe-— oa | eects |aenae 0.239535 Dec. 4} 123,724.63) 111,797.50 
Nebr... TAG OSDeRSse ate 22a Se Marthivenanes 1 4, 500. 36] 1 2, 250. 23 32| Cowlitz... .|........ Graveleeeeesiees doe 5 20, 501.63} 510,250.79 
25| Gare and-|'y5 28: secs Goch ees 119, 344.85) 19,672. 43 30] W RIGA DS eee eeee Osama eee dors. 1 36, 257. 84| 117,050.40 
Jefferson. 30| (Clarke: sers|sceeeee Concrete....| Dec. 9] 19,000.47] 14,500.24 
SUA Douglas | ou .eser arth areee 12,906.47) 11,453. 24 46| ‘Garfield. -|. 2-22. - Crushed || 121,816.52] 110,798.64 
60A| Howard-.-}....-.-- Earth and 1751.68 1 375. 84 rock. : 
sand-clay. 47) Columbia .}........ Gravel.....- Dec. 4 17,748.40} 13, 848.68 
64|"Plercos oes]. 5.0% os Barthes |ee= 13, 115.93) 11,557.96 61} Lewis. jcc\> see ceee ale Osea aie st GdOsaee 16, 831.77| 12,426.72 
- (146A) Kieth. ...- 13. 636] Sand-clay.-.|... 75, 656. 26 ac 828. 13 65| Okanogan.) 1. 990]... .- dOpet se calse do. 35, 670.91] 17, 800. 00 
N.H--.| 42) Shafford..}| 2.400) Gravel...... "319.75 39.88 71) Columbia 8.640} Crushed | 40, 374,40] 20, 000. 00 
93} Belknap. . .650) Stone ma- 12,010. 46 6,005. 23 and Gar- rock. 
cadam field. 
99] Coos. ..--- 2.170) Gravel 1327.10 1163. 55 72) Grays 1, 710) Conerete?---|2.- dOvse- 71, 681, 83} 34, 200. 00 
107| Merrimack -800)-.--- Oe. eee ae ses 14, 829.18 7,414. 59 Harbor. ; 
118} Grafton. -- “BIO! eae dozticaelese 10, 031. 56 5,015.78 || W. Va..- 4) Marion....]........ Concrete: alc ee eee 139, 542. 33} 118,560.00 
121)-Sullivan...}. 1.060}..... do.. Hi 20,000.83} 10,000. 41 58A] Pleasants .| 2.800) Earth....-.. Dec. 8 50, 000.00} 25,000.00 
126) Rocking- .580) Gravel, sur- |... 9, 926. 97 4,963.48 85} Roane..... 3. 000) Concrete. Dec. 17 64, 768.00} 27,200.00 
ham. face treat- 82A| Gilmer-... 5.000) Earth....... Dee. 24 67, 400.00} 33, 700.00 
ed. 77| Greenbrier | 16. 160/....-. co Kener oS ee do..--.| 146,712.70) 67, 271.40 
128) Merrimack - 620) Gravelesresiac: - 17,889.19 8,944. 59 95} Ohio.....- 1,000) Reinforced) Dec. 21 42, 357, 60) 18, 290. 00 
130) Grafton... -480]..... GO je pacts) Sete 8, 245.31 4,122. 65 \ concrete. 
N. Mex. Al Valoncin|te-- oes. Earthy. Jie- 433,175.19] 416,587.59 .97| Marshall. -.| . 3.000} Concrete... ..|..- doles 136, 643.00] 16, 843.00. 
12) Chaves-.-3)> 222. 2: Graveloscmeelos- 41,088.39 4544. 20 98} Randolph.| 4. 510) Bituminous | Dec. 17 80,613.20] 39, 040. 00 
14) ‘Sante, He.c\seweree| sees GOs-s.cealene 11,551.03 1775.51 macadam. § 
36] Sandaval..| 5.871]...-- dO— snes 43,848.31) 21,924.15 99| Webster..| 3.343] Earth.......]... dome < 00 
49| Otero..... 11,572) Caliche==.2- 2]-2- 47,246.77| 23, 623. 38, - 100) Tucker.... 1. 900} Concrete....| Dec. 21 I 
45| Luna.----- 5.599) Gravel. ...-. 43,780.69} 21,890.34 101) Raleigh...| 4.410) Earth....... Dec. 29 
34B| Rio Arriba} 11.968]...-- doi een 105,590.70) 52,795.35 102) Boone..... Sal 20S ee dorst.. Dec. 17 
42| Socorro...) 917. 157|- 5. « do- 55,778.03} 27,889.01 || Wyo...} 30) Natrona...) 4.078) Concrete...-| Dec. 15 368, 597. 17 
Sig O Pete Fl ELOLE Voss eae ng Sand-clay 1 27,069.16) 113,534.58 27A| Weston..-| 3.333]: Gravel... . |... GO2.ser 37, 577. 14 
40| Allendale..| 10. 165).---- dors aees 94,115.64) 47,057.82 43) Platte-...- 11.182) Earth-.-..-.}..- (Ons tee 1 15, 583. 70 
64) Lexington 4.948] Topsoil.....- 43,833.80) 15,000.00 69) Johmsonice|peeeeeee Gravel...2..|-.- dose 16, 582. 65 
61) Darlington| 19.676) Sand-clay.-. 144, 052.89) 67,541.70 Ti), ErOMOlt.t| See eeee Brid s ee | doses 20, 577. 15 
65| Newberry.| 4.231) Topsoil....- 39, O11. 76) 19,505. 88 BT CO aoe a eee eee CLO eee et cers d0..=.< 59, 711. 01 
78A| York....-. 5, O81|--2 2 do.-ees: 24) 909.15} 12,000. 00 82} Laramie] 23, 437 Gravel eeeheal aes dos... 193, 677. 63 
83] Union... .. LAB Wee Gowers 14, 358. 22 5,395. 89 and Go- 
98} Greenville} 2.121) Concrete....}... ---| 124,590.22} 42,420.00 shen. = 
‘fenn...| 20] Fentress..| 14.320) W ater - |. -| 344, 163. 06 172, 081. 53 91) Platte.....| 15.088)..... dos ssFraleee Ou. ..~ 191, 063.49] 95, 931.74 
bound ' 04|) Park oo. 41 aaweeee Bridgveues sgiuee dos 16, 199. 70 8, 099. 85 
: macadam. 97) Sweet- PESOS) Harte sew neler 0:5 -2- 16, 315. 02 2 157. 51 
43) Shelby. .2.)....--..« Bituminous |.. 1 89, 137.91] 1 44,568. 95 water. j : 
macadam., 98) Carbon....| (4.155) Gravel......]... Gomeens 35, 484.61} 17, 742. 30 
1 Modified agreements. Amounts given are increases over fnose | in the Geist GE 4 4 Modified paeenient “‘Phira revision, Thseaaee a 
* Decrease in mileage. , : » Modified agreements. Second revision. Increase. ; ’ 
% Modified agreements. Amounts given are decreases from those in the original agreement. 


Applicants aie urgently requested to ask only for those publications in which they are 
particularly interested. The Department can not undertake to supply complete sets, 
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this city, who has them for sale at a nominal price, under the law of January 12, 1896. 
Those publications in this list, the Department supply of which is exhausted, can only 
be secured by purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, who is not authorized 

to furnish publications free 

Report of the Director of the Bureau of Public Roads for 1918. 
Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Public Roads for 1919. 
Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Public Roads for 1920. 


Dept. Bul.*105. Progress Report of Experiments in Dust Preven- 
tion and Road Preservation, 1913. 
*136. Highway Bonds. 
220. Road Models. 
230. Oil Mixed Portland Cement Concrete. 
*249, Portland Cement Concrete Pavements for Country 
Roads. 15c. 
257. Progress Report of Experiments in Dust Preven- 
tion and: Road Preservation, 1914. 
314. Methods for the Examination of Bituminous Road 
347. Methods for the Determination of the Physical 
Properties of Road-Building Rock. 

*348. Relation of Mineral Composition and Rock Struc- 
ture to the Physical Properties of Road Materials. 

*370. The Results of Physical Tests of Road-Building 
Rock. 15c. 

*373. Brick Roads. 1l6dc. 

386. Public Road Mileage and Revenues in the Middle 
Atlantic States, 1914. 
387. Public Road Mileage and Revenues in the Sou- 
thern States, 1914. 
388. Public Road Mileage and Revenues in the New 
England States, 1914. 
. Public Road Mileage and Revenues in the Cen- 
tral, Mountain, and Pacific States, 1914. 165c. 
. Public Road Mileage in the United States, 1914. 
A summary. 
. Economic Surveys of County Highway Improve- 
ment. 35c. 
. Progress Reports of Experiments in Dust Preven- 
tion and Road Preservation, 1915. 
414. Convict Labor for Road Work. 
. Earth, Sand-Clay, and Gravel Roads. 15c. 
. The Expansion and Contraction of Concrete and 
Concrete Roads 
*537. The Results of Physical Tests of Road-Building 
Rock in 1916, Including all Compression Tests. 
. Standard Forms for Specifications, Tests; Reports, 
and Methods of Sampling for Road Materials. 
583. Reports on Experimental Convict Road Camp, 
Fulton County, Ga. 
586. Progress Reports of Experiments in Dust Preven- 
tion and Road Preservation, 1916. 
. Highway Cost Keeping. 
. The Results of Physical Tests of Road-Building 
Rock in 1916 and 1917. 
. Typical Specifications for Road 
Materials. 15c. 
Typical Specifications for Nonbituminous Road 
Drainage Methods and Foundations for County 
Roads. 20c. 
*Public Roads, Vol. 1, No. 11. Tests of Road-Building Rock in 1918. 


*Public Roads, Vol. II, No. 23. Tests of Road-Building Rock in 

No. 94. TNT as a Blasting Explosive. 


F, B. 338. Macadam Roads. 
*505. Benefits of Improved Roads. 5c. 
597. The Road Drag. 


Y. B. Sep. 727. Design of Public Roads. 

739, Federal Aid to Highways, 1917. 

Bul. *45. Data for Use in Designing Culverts and Short-Span 
Bridges. (1918.) dc. 


Cir.*89. Progress Report of Experiments with Dust Preventatives, 

Progress Report of Experiments in Dust Prevention, Road 
Preservation, and Road Construction, 1908. 5c. 

Progress Report of Experiments in Dust Prevention and 
Road Preservation, 1909. 5c. 

*94, Progress Reports of Experiments in Dust Prevention and 

Road Preservation, 1910. 5c. 

Progress Reports of Experiments in Dust Prevention and 
Road Preservation, 1912. 5c. 

Sec. Cir. 49, 




Motor Vehicle Registration and Revenues, 1914. 
State Highway Mileage and Expenditures to January 
1, 1915. 5e. 
59. Automobile Registrations, Licenses, and Revenues in 
the United States, 1915. 
63. State Highway Mileage and Expenditures to January 
1, 1916; 
*65. Rules and Regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture 
for Carrying out the Federal Aid Road Act. 5c. 
*72. Width of Wagon Tires Recommended for Loads of 
Varying Magnitude on Earth and Gravel Roads. 
73. Automobile Registrations, Licenses, and Revenues in 
the United States, 1916. 
74. State Highway Mileage and Expenditures for the 
Calendar Year 1916. 
see oe Roads in the Vicinity of Washington 
Public Roads Vol. I, No. 1. Automobile Registrations, Licenses 
and Revenues in the United States, 
Vol. I, No. 3. State Highway Mileage and Expen- 
ditures in the United States, 1917. 
*Vol. I, No. 11. Automobile Registrations, Licenses 
and Revenues in the United States 
*Vol. II, No. 15. State Highway Mileage and Expen- 
ditures in the United States, 1918. 


Vol. 5, No. 17, D- 2. Effect of Controllable Variables Upon the 
Penetration Test for Asphalts and Asphalt 

Vol. 5, No. 19, D- 3. Relation Between Properties of Hardness 
and Toughness of Road-Building Rock. 

Vol. 5, No. 20, D- 4. Apparatus for Measuring the Wear of Con- 
crete Roads. 

Vol. 5, No. 24, D- 6. A New Penetration weedle for Use in Test- 
ing Bituminous Materials. 

Vol. 6, No. 6, D- 8. Tests of Three Large-Sized Reinforced Con- 
crete Slabs Under Concentrated Loading. 

Vol. 10, No. 7, D-13. Toughness of Bituminous Aggregates. 

Vol. 11, No. 10, D-15. Tests of a Large-Sized Reinforced-Concrete 
Slab Subjected to Eccentric Concentrated 

Vol. 17, No. 4, D-16. Ultra-Microscopic Examination of Disprese 

Colloids in Bituminous Road 



* Department supply exhausted. 

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